• 03 June 2023 (1 messages)
  • @297438641 #775 07:03 AM, 03 Jun 2023
  • 04 June 2023 (1 messages)
  • @DreamSoule #776 07:46 AM, 04 Jun 2023
  • 05 June 2023 (1 messages)
  • @DemBinary #777 07:38 AM, 05 Jun 2023
  • 06 June 2023 (18 messages)
  • @HughEverett #778 01:07 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    Starting from the next version of the HyperDbg, a new feature is added to the debugger called "event short-circuiting". By using this feature, you can ignore the execution of any events in the debugger.
  • @HughEverett #779 01:07 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    For example: Based on a special condition, you can ignore a SYSCALL instruction. Or for example, you can ignore an RDMSR or IN, OUT instructions. Another juicy scenario that this mechanism is also applied to is for the "!monitor" command. It's like you can ignore (or mask or change) the read and write to a specific address of the memory.
  • @HughEverett #780 01:08 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    For example, assume the following C code:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <Windows.h>

    volatile int test = 0;

    int main()
    printf("Address of test variable: %llx | pid: %x\n", &test, GetCurrentProcessId());

    for (;;)
    printf("test value is : %d\n", test);
  • @HughEverett #781 01:09 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    It's possible to ignore this write (test++) by using the following script:

    !monitor w 7ff7a3198210 7ff7a3198210+4 pid 1178 script {

    printf("writng into memory address: %llx is ignored\n", $context);
  • @HughEverett #782 01:09 PM, 06 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #782 #783 01:10 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    Here's the demo. You can also test it on your system by compiling the 'Dev' branch of HyperDbg. Let me know if you have any feedbacks regarding this new short-circuiting feature.
  • @symeonp #784 01:44 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    amazing! Also @HughEverett did you create an intro class to HyperDbg for Xeno's class? I look so forward to going through them!!
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #784 #785 01:54 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    Yes; It's a 12-part long tutorial (around 18 hours). Lots of use cases, along with several RE techniques that are based on HyperDbg are there.
  • @symeonp #786 01:54 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    fantastic!!! Thanks for that!!
  • @mrexodia #787 01:55 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    Does HyperDbg work on a kvm with nested virtualization btw?
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #787 #788 02:00 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    I never test it on KVM but there shouldn't be any problem. (I'm not sure)

    Currently, it works best on a physical machine and VMware Workstation and all other VMware products. Btw, the worst hypervisor that I've ever work on it is Hyper-v. We still have problem with Hyper-V.
  • @mrexodia #789 02:01 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    Yeah I don’t have an Intel machine except for my proxmox server which uses kvm
  • @mrexodia #790 02:01 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    But guess I’ll try ^^
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #788 #791 02:01 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    I spent hundreds of hours on hyper-v and it still not working. 🫠
  • @shellstorm ↶ Reply to #784 #792 03:54 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    Can I get it too?
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #792 #793 03:59 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    Sure, it's available for everyone. Currently, the video editors of Open Security Training are working on it, it's not yet completed but sure you can request to test (beta) it.


    📣Call for #OST2 beta testers: “Debuggers 3001: Introductory HyperDbg” (a virtualization-based debugger)📣 Sign up here https://t.co/oLA9wNSxXx I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when @Intel80x86 sent all the videos for this class! Which means it’s time to start beta testing!

  • @shellstorm ↶ Reply to #793 #794 04:32 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    Thanks 🙏
  • @shellstorm #795 04:42 PM, 06 Jun 2023
    I'll be taking the classes, hope I get to learn something cool
  • 08 June 2023 (6 messages)
  • @5832432886 #796 12:43 AM, 08 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #797 09:08 AM, 08 Jun 2023
    Here's another scenario which we can use the event-short circuiting by blocking network connection for port 443:
  • @HughEverett #799 09:10 AM, 08 Jun 2023
    It generally blocks the connections to network from (syscall 0x7). Here's the actual script that is used in this video:

    !syscall script {

    if (@rax == 0x7) {

    if (dw(@rsp + 30) == 0x12007) {

    // Get the port address
    port_num_high_bit = db(poi(@rsp + 38) + 1a);
    port_num_low_bit = db(poi(@rsp + 38) + 1b);

    port_num = 0;
    port_num = port_num_high_bit << 8 | port_num_low_bit;

    // Get the IP address
    part0 = db(poi(@rsp + 38) + 1c);
    part1 = db(poi(@rsp + 38) + 1d);
    part2 = db(poi(@rsp + 38) + 1e);
    part3 = db(poi(@rsp + 38) + 1f);

    part0 = part0 << 0n24;
    part1 = part1 << 0n16;
    part2 = part2 << 0n8;
    part3 = part3 << 0n0;

    ip_addr = part0 | part1 | part2 | part3;

    printf("Process Id: %x, name: %s connects to ====> Address: %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n",
    (ip_addr & 0xFF000000) >> 0n24,
    (ip_addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 0n16,
    (ip_addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 0n8,
    ip_addr & 0x000000FF,

    if (port_num == 0n443) {

    // Block the connection to port 443
    printf("Connection to port 443 is blocked!\n");
  • @HughEverett #800 09:10 AM, 08 Jun 2023
    Event short-circuiting

    The event short-circuiting and ignoring mechanism in HyperDbg

  • @5853292971 #801 09:56 PM, 08 Jun 2023
  • 09 June 2023 (1 messages)
  • @inegm #802 11:05 AM, 09 Jun 2023
  • 10 June 2023 (1 messages)
  • @EllioT269 #803 07:23 AM, 10 Jun 2023
  • 12 June 2023 (1 messages)
  • @6030031526 #804 02:16 AM, 12 Jun 2023
  • 13 June 2023 (2 messages)
  • @578389673 #805 03:49 AM, 13 Jun 2023
  • @Rafaelevan15 #806 03:01 PM, 13 Jun 2023
  • 16 June 2023 (6 messages)
  • @abbasdivian #808 07:22 AM, 16 Jun 2023
  • @h31337h4x0r #809 07:47 AM, 16 Jun 2023
  • @azerty765 #810 09:04 AM, 16 Jun 2023
  • @shellstorm #811 11:22 AM, 16 Jun 2023
    I can't see the hyperdbg course on my dashboard on ost2
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #811 #812 11:25 AM, 16 Jun 2023
    Hi, as long as I know, the editing of the 12th part is not yet finished and the video editor is still working on that. But, I'm not sure how Xeno wants to release it.
  • @shellstorm #813 11:26 AM, 16 Jun 2023
    ah, ok, I was worried that I skipped some instruction because today is the day the course starts
  • 17 June 2023 (3 messages)
  • @YMahmoudnia ↶ Reply to #811 #814 06:01 PM, 17 Jun 2023
    Beta testers have access to the course in ost2-beta dashboard.
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #814 #815 06:55 PM, 17 Jun 2023
    Did you see the videos? All of them (12 part) are available there?
  • @YMahmoudnia ↶ Reply to #815 #816 07:12 PM, 17 Jun 2023
    Yes, each section has a video and it seems the videos are complete. Check your DM.
  • 20 June 2023 (330 messages)
  • @5783380452 #817 10:21 AM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @5978511860 #818 10:26 AM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #819 11:59 AM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #820 12:00 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I have a problem when connecting to a vm triying to use hyperdbg
  • @ricnar #821 12:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i made all the steps, i have wmware 17, disable hyperv in the host
  • @ricnar #822 12:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    enable vtx in the target
  • @ricnar #823 12:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    all the steps are made without problems
  • @ricnar #824 12:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #825 12:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i add a serial port
  • @ricnar #827 12:02 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the machine starts debugging with windbg remote
  • @ricnar #828 12:03 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22000.194 AMD64
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Using NET for debugging
    Opened WinSock 2.0
    Waiting to reconnect...
    Connected to target on port 50000 on local IP
    You can get the target MAC address by running .kdtargetmac command.
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 08:54:24.248 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Kernel Debugger connection established.

    ************* Path validation summary **************
    Response Time (ms) Location
    Deferred SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Executable search path is:
    Windows 10 Kernel Version 18362 MP (1 procs) Free x64
    Edition build lab: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
    Machine Name:
    Kernel base = 0xfffff803`72400000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff803`72845f30
    System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:01.946
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection
    Symbol information

    Provides information about the Microsoft Symbol Server.

  • @ricnar #829 12:03 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    The machine starts
  • @ricnar #830 12:03 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    in the host i type in hyperdbg console
  • @ricnar #832 12:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    in the target in the hyperdbg console I type
  • @ricnar #833 12:05 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    .debug prepare serial 115200 com2
  • @ricnar #834 12:05 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #835 12:05 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    .debug prepare serial 115200 com1
  • @ricnar #836 12:06 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    in the exact moment i type this command a crash is produced and stops in windbg
  • @ricnar #837 12:06 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection

    *** Fatal System Error: 0x0000003b

    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)

    A fatal system error has occurred.
    Debugger entered on first try; Bugcheck callbacks have not been invoked.

    A fatal system error has occurred.

    For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
    fffff803`725cbc90 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
  • @ricnar #839 12:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    when i continue windbg with G command a BSOD appear
  • @ricnar #840 12:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I am doing something wrong?
  • @ricnar #841 12:08 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    thanks for the help in advance
  • @ricnar #842 12:09 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the host machine is windows 11
  • @ricnar #843 12:09 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the target windows 10
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #838 #844 12:15 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Can you provide the !analyze -v result of the WinDbg for this crash?
  • @ricnar #845 12:15 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    yes wait a minute
  • @ricnar #846 12:16 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    when i load the vmm it crashes too
  • @ricnar #847 12:16 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    : kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff801`24958cf9 cc int 3
    2: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff801`24958cf9 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection

    *** Fatal System Error: 0x0000003b

    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)

    A fatal system error has occurred.
    Debugger entered on first try; Bugcheck callbacks have not been invoked.

    A fatal system error has occurred.

    fffff807`3d5cbc90 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
  • @ricnar #848 12:16 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    if i try .connect local
  • @ricnar #849 12:16 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    and load vmm
  • @ricnar #850 12:16 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    it crashes too
  • @ricnar #851 12:16 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    th driver cannot be loaded
  • @HughEverett #852 12:18 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    So, there is problem with Hypervisor. Please send the result of !analyze -v.
  • @ricnar #853 12:18 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #854 12:18 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i am restarting
  • @ricnar #855 12:19 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    what do you want? the connect error or the load vmm error
  • @ricnar #856 12:19 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    maybe is the same error
  • @HughEverett #857 12:21 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Yeah, just load the HyperDbg (e.g., by connecting to serial port), and when the WinDbg crashes, run '!analyze -v' and send the output of WinDbg.
  • @HughEverett #858 12:21 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    And also, what's your processor model (generation)?
  • @ricnar #859 12:21 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 09:21:01.044 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Loading Kernel Symbols

    Press ctrl-c (cdb, kd, ntsd) or ctrl-break (windbg) to abort symbol loads that take too long.
    Run !sym noisy before .reload to track down problems loading symbols.

    Loading User Symbols

    Loading unloaded module list
    ........Unable to enumerate user-mode unloaded modules, Win32 error 0n30

    ************* Symbol Loading Error Summary **************
    Module name Error
    hprdbghv The system cannot find the file specified

    You can troubleshoot most symbol related issues by turning on symbol loading diagnostics (!sym noisy) and repeating the command that caused symbols to be loaded.
    You should also verify that your symbol search path (.sympath) is correct.
    * *
    * Bugcheck Analysis *
    * *

    Unknown bugcheck code (0)
    Unknown bugcheck description
    Arg1: 0000000000000000
    Arg2: 0000000000000000
    Arg3: 0000000000000000
    Arg4: 0000000000000000

    Debugging Details:


    Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 1562

    Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisManager
    Value: Create

    Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 6431

    Key : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 5842

    Key : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 1716818

    Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 71

    Key : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: 19h1_release

    Key : WER.OS.Timestamp
    Value: 2019-03-18T12:02:00Z

    Key : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.18362.1


    BUGCHECK_P1: 0

    BUGCHECK_P2: 0

    BUGCHECK_P3: 0

    BUGCHECK_P4: 0

    PROCESS_NAME: System

    ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0x80000003 - {EXCEPTION} Breakpoint A breakpoint has been reached.

    EXCEPTION_CODE_STR: 80000003

    EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 0000000000000000
  • @ricnar #860 12:21 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    fffff184`b5429730 fffff184`b5429730 : ffffffff`ffffffff ffffc109`500e9010 00000000`270e2f0c 00000000`00000086 : hprdbghv+0x8cf9
    fffff184`b5429738 ffffffff`ffffffff : ffffc109`500e9010 00000000`270e2f0c 00000000`00000086 fffff807`15d7597f : 0xfffff184`b5429730
    fffff184`b5429740 ffffc109`500e9010 : 00000000`270e2f0c 00000000`00000086 fffff807`15d7597f 00000000`00000010 : 0xffffffff`ffffffff
    fffff184`b5429748 00000000`270e2f0c : 00000000`00000086 fffff807`15d7597f 00000000`00000010 00000000`00000286 : 0xffffc109`500e9010
    fffff184`b5429750 00000000`00000086 : fffff807`15d7597f 00000000`00000010 00000000`00000286 fffff184`b5429788 : 0x270e2f0c
    fffff184`b5429758 fffff807`15d7597f : 00000000`00000010 00000000`00000286 fffff184`b5429788 00000000`00000018 : 0x86
    fffff184`b5429760 00000000`00000010 : 00000000`00000286 fffff184`b5429788 00000000`00000018 ffffc109`500e9100 : hal!HalProcessorIdle+0xf
    fffff184`b5429768 00000000`00000286 : fffff184`b5429788 00000000`00000018 ffffc109`500e9100 fffff807`15d5d95c : 0x10
    fffff184`b5429770 fffff184`b5429788 : 00000000`00000018 ffffc109`500e9100 fffff807`15d5d95c ffffc109`500e9100 : 0x286
    fffff184`b5429778 00000000`00000018 : ffffc109`500e9100 fffff807`15d5d95c ffffc109`500e9100 ffff8600`98700180 : 0xfffff184`b5429788
    fffff184`b5429780 ffffc109`500e9100 : fffff807`15d5d95c ffffc109`500e9100 ffff8600`98700180 00000000`00000000 : 0x18
    fffff184`b5429788 fffff807`15d5d95c : ffffc109`500e9100 ffff8600`98700180 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0xffffc109`500e9100
    fffff184`b5429790 fffff807`15e41fb9 : ffffc109`500e9328 00000000`270e2f0c 00000000`270e3503 ffff8600`98700180 : hal!KeQueryPerformanceCounter+0xec
    fffff184`b54297c0 fffff807`15e4073a : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 : nt!PpmIdleExecuteTransition+0x1719
    fffff184`b5429b00 fffff807`15fc796e : 00000000`00000000 ffff8600`98700180 ffff8600`98711140 ffffc109`53722080 : nt!PoIdle+0x3aa
    fffff184`b5429c60 00000000`00000000 : fffff184`b542a000 fffff184`b5424000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiIdleLoop+0x7e

    SYMBOL_NAME: hprdbghv+8cf9

    MODULE_NAME: hprdbghv

    IMAGE_NAME: hprdbghv.dll

    STACK_COMMAND: .thread ; .cxr ; kb


    FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x0_hprdbghv!unknown_function

    OS_VERSION: 10.0.18362.1

    BUILDLAB_STR: 19h1_release


    OSNAME: Windows 10

    FAILURE_ID_HASH: {804d1d0a-ae5c-2184-2ead-2dc122fdd9d7}

    Followup: MachineOwner
  • @ricnar #861 12:23 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the host procesor is
  • @ricnar #862 12:23 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz
  • @ricnar #863 12:23 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the target is a vmware 17
  • @ricnar #864 12:23 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    windows 10 machine
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #864 #866 12:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    HyperDbg package has symbol (.pdb) files. Would you please set a symbol server and load the symbols, so I'll know the name of the guilty function.
  • @ricnar #867 12:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #868 12:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    And also, do you have the same problem in your physical machine?
  • @ricnar #869 12:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i disable hyperv but i does not disable sign verification yet
  • @ricnar #870 12:30 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #871 12:30 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i can try later
  • @ricnar #872 12:32 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    but i can load the user mode executable symbol but the driver symbol will not load if the driver fail
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #872 #873 12:35 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    The driver symbols are loaded on the (host) windbg. If it fails, you can reload the symbols. By reloading (.reload) command in WinDbg, the symbols for the failed driver will also be loaded.
  • @ricnar #874 12:35 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #875 12:38 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    this will take some time the reload command is very slow
  • @ricnar #876 12:45 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    fffff802`2f4b0000 fffff802`2f536000 hprdbghv (private pdb symbols) c:\symbols\hprdbghv.pdb\CD299968B52442318710EFF6CE521E681\hprdbghv.pdb
  • @ricnar #877 12:45 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    this is enough? or some other module
  • @ricnar #878 12:46 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    2: kd> !analyze -v
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 09:46:14.099 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Loading Kernel Symbols
    Loading User Symbols

    Loading unloaded module list
    .......Unable to enumerate user-mode unloaded modules, Win32 error 0n30
    * *
    * Bugcheck Analysis *
    * *

    Unknown bugcheck code (0)
    Unknown bugcheck description
    Arg1: 0000000000000000
    Arg2: 0000000000000000
    Arg3: 0000000000000000
    Arg4: 0000000000000000

    Debugging Details:


    Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 1702

    Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisManager
    Value: Create

    Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 4113

    Key : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 21405

    Key : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 3211056

    Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 210

    Key : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: 19h1_release

    Key : WER.OS.Timestamp
    Value: 2019-03-18T12:02:00Z

    Key : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.18362.1


    BUGCHECK_P1: 0

    BUGCHECK_P2: 0

    BUGCHECK_P3: 0

    BUGCHECK_P4: 0

    PROCESS_NAME: System

    ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0x80000003 - {EXCEPTION} Breakpoint A breakpoint has been reached.

    EXCEPTION_CODE_STR: 80000003

    EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 0000000000000000

    ffffb50f`dc837730 ffffb50f`dc837730 : ffffffff`ffffffff ffff9802`7cc11010 00000000`3571ca8f 00000000`00000086 : hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState+0x29 [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 39]
    ffffb50f`dc837738 ffffffff`ffffffff : ffff9802`7cc11010 00000000`3571ca8f 00000000`00000086 fffff802`32ace97f : 0xffffb50f`dc837730
    ffffb50f`dc837740 ffff9802`7cc11010 : 00000000`3571ca8f 00000000`00000086 fffff802`32ace97f 00000000`00000010 : 0xffffffff`ffffffff
    ffffb50f`dc837748 00000000`3571ca8f : 00000000`00000086 fffff802`32ace97f 00000000`00000010 00000000`00000286 : 0xffff9802`7cc11010
    ffffb50f`dc837750 00000000`00000086 : fffff802`32ace97f 00000000`00000010 00000000`00000286 ffffb50f`dc837788 : 0x3571ca8f
    ffffb50f`dc837758 fffff802`32ace97f : 00000000`00000010 00000000`00000286 ffffb50f`dc837788 00000000`00000018 : 0x86
    ffffb50f`dc837760 00000000`00000010 : 00000000`00000286 ffffb50f`dc837788 00000000`00000018 ffff9802`7cc11100 : hal!HalProcessorIdle+0xf
    ffffb50f`dc837768 00000000`00000286 : ffffb50f`dc837788 00000000`00000018 ffff9802`7cc11100 fffff802`32ab695c : 0x10
    ffffb50f`dc837770 ffffb50f`dc837788 : 00000000`00000018 ffff9802`7cc11100 fffff802`32ab695c ffff9802`7cc11100 : 0x286
    ffffb50f`dc837778 00000000`00000018 : ffff9802`7cc11100 fffff802`32ab695c ffff9802`7cc11100 ffff8680`45680180 : 0xffffb50f`dc837788
    ffffb50f`dc837780 ffff9802`7cc11100 : fffff802`32ab695c ffff9802`7cc11100 ffff8680`45680180 00000000`00000000 : 0x18
    ffffb50f`dc837788 fffff802`32ab695c : ffff9802`7cc11100 ffff8680`45680180 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0xffff9802`7cc11100
    ffffb50f`dc837790 fffff802`32041fb9 : ffff9802`7cc11328 00000000`3571ca8f 00000000`3571cb30 ffff8680`45680180 : hal!KeQueryPerformanceCounter+0xec
    ffffb50f`dc8377c0 fffff802`3204073a : 00000000`001cf198 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 : nt!PpmIdleExecuteTransition+0x1719
    ffffb50f`dc837b00 fffff802`321c796e : 00000000`00000000 ffff8680`45680180 ffff8680`45691140 ffff9802`814c7080 : nt!PoIdle+0x3aa
    ffffb50f`dc837c60 00000000`00000000 : ffffb50f`dc838000 ffffb50f`dc832000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiIdleLoop+0x7e
  • @ricnar #879 12:46 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    FAULTING_SOURCE_LINE: D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm

    FAULTING_SOURCE_FILE: D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm


    SYMBOL_NAME: hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState+29

    MODULE_NAME: hprdbghv

    IMAGE_NAME: hprdbghv.dll

    STACK_COMMAND: .thread ; .cxr ; kb


    FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x0_hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState

    OS_VERSION: 10.0.18362.1

    BUILDLAB_STR: 19h1_release


    OSNAME: Windows 10

    FAILURE_ID_HASH: {30f42f4f-6e51-2575-2498-bb100f162777}

    Followup: MachineOwner
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #879 #880 12:59 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Okay, it seems that something is preventing the execution of VMLAUNCH in your machine.
  • @ricnar #883 01:00 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #883 #884 01:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Don't worry, we could fix together.
  • @HughEverett #885 01:02 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Basically, one of these checks and loads are failed :
  • @HughEverett #887 01:03 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    We have to trace this function and find where is the problem. Do you have a Visual Studio+WDK?
  • @HughEverett #888 01:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Build & Install

    This document helps you to build and install HyperDbg

  • @ricnar #890 01:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    visa studio 2019
  • @ricnar #891 01:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    visual studio 2019
  • @ricnar #892 01:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    but the wdk is not new
  • @ricnar #893 01:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    in the host machine
  • @ricnar #894 01:05 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the target does not have visual studio
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #894 #895 01:06 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    No, we don't need VS on target but I'm not sure if we could build HyperDbg with a VS2019. We use VS2022. As the newest version of Windows SDK broke the compatibility with the previous SDK and we were forced to make everything compatible with the newest SDK.
  • @ricnar #896 01:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I will install visual studio 2022 and the wdk but give me some time this take time
  • @HughEverett #897 01:08 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    But, you could try it. If it's not built successfully on your VS2019, you need to update it to VS2022 + newest version of SDK
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #896 #898 01:08 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    That's great 👍
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #899 #900 01:11 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Thank you for putting time helping us fixing these problems. 🙏
  • @ricnar #901 01:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #903 01:20 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    installing sdk
  • @ricnar #904 01:20 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    next wdk
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #905 #906 01:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Just to double check with you. Are you sure that the VBS/HVCI is disabled in the target VM?

    Build & Install

    This document helps you to build and install HyperDbg

  • @ricnar #907 01:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i will check
  • @ricnar #908 01:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i disabled in the host
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #908 #909 01:30 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    No, you should disable it in the guest.
  • @ricnar #910 01:31 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #911 01:31 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    maybe this is the problem
  • @ricnar #912 01:31 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    but in w10 is not enabled by default i think
  • @ricnar #913 01:31 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i will check
  • @HughEverett #914 01:32 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    HyperDbg won't load anything (like drivers, hypervisor) in the host. When you run hyperdbg in the host, it works as a simple user-mode application that connects to the serial port and control the debugee.
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #916 #917 01:35 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    And also, are you sure that the nested-virtualization is properly enabled?
  • @ricnar #921 01:36 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    is enabled
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #920 #923 01:39 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    And also please set the number of processors (not number of cores) to 1. Generally, it shouldn't be a problem but as we gonna debug it, it's better to debug it in a single processor (with many cores).
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #924 #925 01:40 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #926 01:41 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    it is okay ?
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #926 #927 01:41 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #928 01:41 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i`m restarting now
  • @ricnar #930 01:42 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    its ready
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #929 #931 01:43 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Okay, now clone the 'master' branch with --recursive flag and compile it. Compiling it is as easy as pressing the build button in VS.
  • @ricnar #932 01:45 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i download the binaries where is the master branch
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #932 #933 01:45 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    GitHub - HyperDbg/HyperDbg: State-of-the-art native debugging tool

    State-of-the-art native debugging tool. Contribute to HyperDbg/HyperDbg development by creating an account on GitHub.

  • @ricnar #934 01:46 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    this is not my work machine i need to install git
  • @ricnar #935 01:46 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #937 01:49 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Directory of C:\Users\ricnar\Desktop\aca

    06/20/2023 10:49 AM <DIR> .
    06/20/2023 10:48 AM <DIR> ..
    06/20/2023 10:49 AM <DIR> HyperDbg
    0 File(s) 0 bytes
    3 Dir(s) 137,701,343,232 bytes free

  • @ricnar #938 01:50 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #939 01:50 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Did you build it successfully?
  • @ricnar #940 01:50 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #941 01:51 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    only clone the master
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #941 #942 01:51 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Build it in VS2022.
  • @ricnar #943 01:51 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    this is the sln
  • @ricnar #944 01:51 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #945 01:51 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #946 01:53 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #947 01:53 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    or debug
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #947 #948 01:53 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #949 01:53 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #950 01:54 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i change to release
  • @ricnar #951 01:54 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i will rebuild again
  • @ricnar #952 01:55 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    11>Successfully signed: C:\Users\ricnar\Desktop\aca\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\build\bin\debug\hprdbgkd.sys
    11>Driver is 'Universal'.
    11>Inf2Cat task was skipped as there were no inf files to process
    11>Done building project "hprdbgkd.vcxproj".
    ========== Rebuild All: 12 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
    ========== Rebuild started at 10:54 AM and took 34.991 seconds ==========
  • @ricnar #954 01:56 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #886 #955 01:57 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Okay, now please find this function and put a 'DbgBreakPoint();' on the top of function.
  • @ricnar #956 01:57 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    in visual studio?
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #956 #957 01:58 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #960 02:00 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #961 02:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    After that, move the newly built files to the VM. Run HyperDbg and wait until the breakpoint is triggered in HyperDbg.
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #959 #962 02:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Where is the breakpoint? 🤔
  • @ricnar #963 02:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    in the function and the third line after
  • @ricnar #964 02:02 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the first does not work hehe
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #963 #965 02:02 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I couldn't see it in this picture.
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #959 #966 02:02 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #967 #968 02:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    No, this is not how it will be triggered. As I mentioned, please add 'DbgBreakPoint();' one the very first line of function.
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #969 #970 02:06 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Yes, it's correct. Now, rebuild it and move the binary files to the VM. Once you load HyperDbg, the breakpoint will be triggered and you can trace the code line by line in WinDbg.
  • @ricnar #971 02:06 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the host cmd comand is necessary?
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #971 #972 02:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    No, you can load it in whatever form you want.
  • @ricnar #974 02:10 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    this is correct?
  • @ricnar #975 02:10 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i will execute that command
  • @ricnar #976 02:10 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #977 02:10 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i does not start hyprdbg
  • @ricnar #978 02:10 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #974 #979 02:11 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Actually, not important here. In whatever form that it triggers the breakpoint is okay
  • @ricnar #981 02:11 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #982 02:11 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Is the breakpoint triggered?
  • @HughEverett #984 02:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Yes 😇☺️
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #983 #985 02:13 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Are you sure you run the newly compiled code?
  • @ricnar #986 02:13 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #986 #988 02:13 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Give me a minute to double check with source code.
  • @ricnar #989 02:13 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    debug folder
  • @HughEverett #991 02:17 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Would you please double check it.
    The breakpoint that we expected to be executed should be triggered before this breakpoint. Please rebuild HyperDbg and make sure you're currently rebuilding the correct solution 'debug' in this case.
  • @ricnar #992 02:19 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    you are correct i forgot to recompile after the add of the breakpoint
  • @ricnar #993 02:19 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i will recompile
  • @ricnar #994 02:22 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I'm used to placing breakpoints and running directly in windbg hehe
  • @ricnar #995 02:22 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #996 02:23 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    That's also correct, I usually prefer to debug it like this. In any case, all of them are correct.
  • @x13368 #997 02:24 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    step by step, @HughEverett good man
  • @ricnar #1000 02:30 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    00 ffff8283`1fbbee90 ffff8283`1fbbee90 hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState+0x29 [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 39]
    01 ffff8283`1fbbee98 00000000`00000002 0xffff8283`1fbbee90
    02 ffff8283`1fbbeea0 00000000`00000000 0x2
  • @ricnar #1001 02:30 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    0: kd> x *!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem
    fffff805`8198abb0 hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem (void *)
    0: kd> u fffff805`8198abb0
    hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\vmm\vmx\Vmx.c @ 412]:
    fffff805`8198abb0 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
    fffff805`8198abb5 4883ec68 sub rsp,68h
    fffff805`8198abb9 48c744245000000000 mov qword ptr [rsp+50h],0
    fffff805`8198abc2 e8292dffff call hprdbghv!KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber (fffff805`8197d8f0)
    fffff805`8198abc7 89442440 mov dword ptr [rsp+40h],eax
    fffff805`8198abcb 8b442440 mov eax,dword ptr [rsp+40h]
    fffff805`8198abcf 4869c0e8010000 imul rax,rax,1E8h
    fffff805`8198abd6 488b0d9b360600 mov rcx,qword ptr [hprdbghv!g_GuestState (fffff805`819ee278)]
  • @HughEverett ↶ Reply to #999 #1002 02:31 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Would you please step one instruction "p" in WinDbg.
  • @ricnar #1003 02:32 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    0: kd> p
    fffff805`81978cfa eb00 jmp hprdbghv!AsmVmxRestoreState (fffff805`81978cfc)
  • @HughEverett #1004 02:33 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Okay, Still, something is going wrong here. We shouldn't trigger this breakpoint before our target breakpoint. Maybe one core is raising other core, but in any case we have an alternative solution.
  • @ricnar #1005 02:34 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Will you be in a couple of hours because I'm invited to lunch?
  • @ricnar #1006 02:34 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I will return in 2 hours
  • @HughEverett #1007 02:34 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Yes that's okay. We could even solve it tomorrow. No worries.
  • @ricnar #1008 02:35 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I message you when return
  • @HughEverett #1009 02:35 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Let me know when you return, if I was not available we could fix it tomorrow.
  • @ricnar #1010 02:35 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1011 02:35 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • Thanks to you for putting time on this.
  • @ricnar #1013 04:50 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1019 04:53 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the int 3 is in the dll
  • Hi again,
    Let's continue our debugging step by step. We have to get the execution before VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem is made.
  • @ricnar #1021 04:54 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    but the running dll has not the int 3
  • @ricnar #1022 04:54 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\vmm\vmx\Vmx.c @ 412]:
    fffff805`8198abb0 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
    fffff805`8198abb5 4883ec68 sub rsp,68h
    fffff805`8198abb9 48c744245000000000 mov qword ptr [rsp+50h],0
    fffff805`8198abc2 e8292dffff call hprdbghv!KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber (fffff805`8197d8f0)
    fffff805`8198abc7 89442440 mov dword ptr [rsp+40h],eax
    fffff805`8198abcb 8b442440 mov eax,dword ptr [rsp+40h]
    fffff805`8198abcf 4869c0e8010000 imul rax,rax,1E8h
    fffff805`8198abd6 488b0d9b360600 mov rcx,qword ptr [hprdbghv!g_GuestState (fffff805`819ee278)]
  • It's weird why our 'int 3' is not called.
  • @ricnar #1024 04:55 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    ithe dll in the target has not the int 3
  • @ricnar #1025 04:55 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    but the dll compiled has the int 3
  • @ricnar #1026 04:55 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i am looking for that problem
  • @HughEverett #1027 04:56 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Yes, but why the int 3 is not called in the newly compiled driver?
  • @ricnar #1028 04:56 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1029 04:56 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    is not in the code
  • @ricnar #1030 04:57 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\vmm\vmx\Vmx.c @ 412]:
    fffff805`8198abb0 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
    fffff805`8198abb5 4883ec68 sub rsp,68h
    fffff805`8198abb9 48c744245000000000 mov qword ptr [rsp+50h],0
  • @ricnar #1031 04:57 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    this is the running dll
  • You mean the running dll is different from the compiled driver DLL? Maybe the previous driver is not removed?
  • @ricnar #1033 04:59 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #1034 05:00 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    By the way, we have another option here. We could also modify the code here, and add int3 assembly code
  • But you have to find a way to load the newly compiled driver. Maybe an snapshot to the previous VM state?
  • Yes, 'int3' without space is also better but no difference here. But, this only works if the newly compiled driver is loaded in the guest.
  • @ricnar #1038 05:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.1621]
    (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\Users\admin>driverq uery
    'driverq' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.


    Module Name Display Name Driver Type Link Date
    ============ ====================== ============= ======================
    1394ohci 1394 OHCI Compliant Ho Kernel
    3ware 3ware Kernel 5/18/2015 7:28:03 PM
    ACPI Microsoft ACPI Driver Kernel
    AcpiDev ACPI Devices driver Kernel
    acpiex Microsoft ACPIEx Drive Kernel
    acpipagr ACPI Processor Aggrega Kernel
    AcpiPmi ACPI Power Meter Drive Kernel
    acpitime ACPI Wake Alarm Driver Kernel
    Acx01000 Acx01000 Kernel
    ADP80XX ADP80XX Kernel 4/9/2015 5:49:48 PM
    AFD Ancillary Function Dri Kernel
    afunix afunix Kernel
    ahcache Application Compatibil Kernel
    amdgpio2 AMD GPIO Client Driver Kernel 2/7/2019 6:32:20 AM
    amdi2c AMD I2C Controller Ser Kernel 6/13/2018 2:25:43 AM
    AmdK8 AMD K8 Processor Drive Kernel
    AmdPPM AMD Processor Driver Kernel
    amdsata amdsata Kernel 5/14/2015 9:14:52 AM
    amdsbs amdsbs Kernel 12/11/2012 6:21:44 PM
    amdxata amdxata Kernel 4/30/2015 9:55:35 PM
    AppID AppID Driver Kernel
    applockerflt Smartlocker Filter Dri Kernel
    AppvStrm AppvStrm File System
    AppvVemgr AppvVemgr File System
    AppvVfs AppvVfs File System
    arcsas Adaptec SAS/SATA-II RA Kernel 4/9/2015 4:12:07 PM
    AsyncMac RAS Asynchronous Media Kernel
    atapi IDE Channel Kernel
    b06bdrv QLogic Network Adapter Kernel 5/25/2016 4:03:08 AM
    bam Background Activity Mo Kernel
    BasicDisplay BasicDisplay Kernel
    BasicRender BasicRender Kernel
    bcmfn2 bcmfn2 Service Kernel 10/31/2016 11:09:15 PM
    Beep Beep Kernel
    bindflt Windows Bind Filter Dr File System
    bowser Browser File System
    BthA2dp Microsoft Bluetooth A2 Kernel
    BthEnum Bluetooth Enumerator S Kernel
    BthHFEnum Microsoft Bluetooth Ha Kernel
    BthLEEnum Bluetooth Low Energy D Kernel
    BthMini Bluetooth Radio Driver Kernel
    BTHMODEM Bluetooth Modem Commun Kernel
    BTHPORT Bluetooth Port Driver Kernel
    BTHUSB Bluetooth Radio USB Dr Kernel
    bttflt Microsoft Hyper-V VHDP Kernel
    buttonconver Service for Portable D Kernel
    CAD Charge Arbitration Dri Kernel
    cdfs CD/DVD File System Rea File System
    cdrom CD-ROM Driver Kernel
    cht4iscsi cht4iscsi Kernel 5/8/2018 10:27:04 AM
    cht4vbd Chelsio Virtual Bus Dr Kernel 5/8/2018 10:23:38 AM
    circlass Consumer IR Devices Kernel
    CldFlt Windows Cloud Files Fi File System
    CLFS Common Log (CLFS) Kernel
    CmBatt Microsoft ACPI Control Kernel
    CNG CNG Kernel
    cnghwassist CNG Hardware Assist al Kernel
    CompositeBus Composite Bus Enumerat Kernel
    condrv Console Driver Kernel
    CSC Offline Files Driver Kernel
    dam Desktop Activity Moder Kernel
    Dfsc DFS Namespace Client D File System
    disk Disk Driver Kernel
    dmvsc dmvsc Kernel
    drmkaud Microsoft Trusted Audi Kernel
    DXGKrnl LDDM Graphics Subsyste Kernel
    E1G60 Intel(R) PRO/1000 NDIS Kernel 3/23/2010 6:08:16 PM
    ebdrv QLogic 10 Gigabit Ethe Kernel 5/25/2016 4:01:05 AM
    EhStorClass Enhanced Storage Filte Kernel
    EhStorTcgDrv Microsoft driver for s Kernel
    ErrDev Microsoft Hardware Err Kernel
    exfat exFAT File System Driv File System
    fastfat FAT12/16/32 File Syste File System
    fdc Floppy Disk Controller Kernel
    FileCrypt FileCrypt File System
  • @ricnar #1039 05:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    FileInfo File Information FS Mi File System
    Filetrace Filetrace File System
    flpydisk Floppy Disk Driver Kernel
    FltMgr FltMgr File System
    FsDepends File System Dependency File System
    fvevol BitLocker Drive Encryp Kernel
    gencounter Microsoft Hyper-V Gene Kernel
    genericusbfn Generic USB Function C Kernel
    GPIOClx0101 Microsoft GPIO Class E Kernel
    GpuEnergyDrv GPU Energy Driver Kernel
    HdAudAddServ Microsoft 1.1 UAA Func Kernel
    HDAudBus Microsoft UAA Bus Driv Kernel
    HidBatt HID UPS Battery Driver Kernel
    HidBth Microsoft Bluetooth HI Kernel
    hidi2c Microsoft I2C HID Mini Kernel
    hidinterrupt Common Driver for HID Kernel
    HidIr Microsoft Infrared HID Kernel
    hidspi Microsoft SPI HID Mini Kernel
    HidUsb Microsoft HID Class Dr Kernel
    HpSAMD HpSAMD Kernel 3/26/2013 6:36:54 PM
    HTTP HTTP Service Kernel
    hvcrash hvcrash Kernel
    hvservice Hypervisor/Virtual Mac Kernel
    HwNClx0101 Microsoft Hardware Not Kernel
    hwpolicy Hardware Policy Driver Kernel
    hyperkbd hyperkbd Kernel
    HyperVideo HyperVideo Kernel
    i8042prt PS/2 Keyboard and Mous Kernel
    iagpio Intel Serial IO GPIO C Kernel 7/23/2018 6:04:46 AM
    iai2c Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 7/23/2018 6:04:39 AM
    iaLPSS2i_GPI Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 4/19/2018 4:53:24 AM
    iaLPSS2i_GPI Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 4/17/2018 6:25:15 AM
    iaLPSS2i_GPI Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 4/17/2018 4:07:03 AM
    iaLPSS2i_GPI Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 5/16/2018 2:46:36 AM
    iaLPSS2i_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 4/19/2018 4:52:58 AM
    iaLPSS2i_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 4/17/2018 6:24:40 AM
    iaLPSS2i_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 4/17/2018 4:06:22 AM
    iaLPSS2i_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 5/16/2018 2:46:02 AM
    iaLPSSi_GPIO Intel(R) Serial IO GPI Kernel 2/2/2015 6:00:09 AM
    iaLPSSi_I2C Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Kernel 2/24/2015 12:52:07 PM
    iaStorAVC Intel Chipset SATA RAI Kernel 2/7/2018 8:53:36 AM
    iaStorV Intel RAID Controller Kernel 4/11/2011 3:48:16 PM
    ibbus Mellanox InfiniBand Bu Kernel 4/25/2018 1:29:09 PM
    IndirectKmd Indirect Displays Kern Kernel
    intelide intelide Kernel
    intelpep Intel(R) Power Engine Kernel
    intelpmax Intel Power Limit Driv Kernel
    intelppm Intel Processor Driver Kernel
    iorate Disk I/O Rate Filter D Kernel
    IpFilterDriv IP Traffic Filter Driv Kernel
    IPNAT IP Network Address Tra Kernel
    IPT IPT Kernel
    isapnp isapnp Kernel
    iScsiPrt iScsiPort Driver Kernel
    ItSas35i ItSas35i Kernel 5/3/2018 6:57:21 AM
    kbdclass Keyboard Class Driver Kernel
    kbdhid Keyboard HID Driver Kernel
    kbldfltr kbldfltr Kernel
    kdnic Microsoft Kernel Debug Kernel
    KSecDD KSecDD Kernel
    KSecPkg KSecPkg Kernel
    ksthunk Kernel Streaming Thunk Kernel
    lltdio Link-Layer Topology Di Kernel
    LSI_SAS LSI_SAS Kernel 3/25/2015 4:36:48 PM
    LSI_SAS2i LSI_SAS2i Kernel 8/2/2017 10:29:59 AM
    LSI_SAS3i LSI_SAS3i Kernel 5/2/2018 6:40:30 AM
    LSI_SSS LSI_SSS Kernel 3/15/2013 8:39:38 PM
    luafv UAC File Virtualizatio File System
    mausbhost MA-USB Host Controller Kernel
    mausbip MA-USB IP Filter Drive Kernel
    MbbCx MBB Network Adapter Cl Kernel
    megasas megasas Kernel 3/4/2015 11:36:29 PM
    megasas2i megasas2i Kernel 7/24/2017 6:46:09 AM
    megasas35i megasas35i Kernel 12/6/2018 2:45:11 PM
    megasr megasr Kernel 6/3/2013 7:02:39 PM
    Microsoft_Bl Microsoft Bluetooth Av Kernel
  • @ricnar #1040 05:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    mlx4_bus Mellanox ConnectX Bus Kernel 4/25/2018 1:29:43 PM
    MMCSS Multimedia Class Sched Kernel
    Modem Modem Kernel
    monitor Microsoft Monitor Clas Kernel
    mouclass Mouse Class Driver Kernel
    mouhid Mouse HID Driver Kernel
    mountmgr Mount Point Manager Kernel
    mpsdrv Windows Defender Firew Kernel
    MRxDAV WebDav Client Redirect File System
    mrxsmb SMB MiniRedirector Wra File System
    mrxsmb10 SMB 1.x MiniRedirector File System
    mrxsmb20 SMB 2.0 MiniRedirector File System
    MsBridge Microsoft MAC Bridge Kernel
    Msfs Msfs File System
    msgpiowin32 Common Driver for Butt Kernel
    mshidkmdf Pass-through HID to KM Kernel
    mshidumdf Pass-through HID to UM Kernel
    msisadrv msisadrv Kernel
    MSKSSRV Microsoft Streaming Se Kernel
    MsLldp Microsoft Link-Layer D Kernel
    MSPCLOCK Microsoft Streaming Cl Kernel
    MSPQM Microsoft Streaming Qu Kernel
    MsRPC MsRPC Kernel
    MsSecFlt Microsoft Security Eve Kernel
    mssmbios Microsoft System Manag Kernel
    MSTEE Microsoft Streaming Te Kernel
    MTConfig Microsoft Input Config Kernel
    Mup Mup File System
    mvumis mvumis Kernel 5/23/2014 5:39:04 PM
    NativeWifiP NativeWiFi Filter Kernel
    ndfltr NetworkDirect Service Kernel 4/25/2018 1:28:08 PM
    NDIS NDIS System Driver Kernel
    NdisCap Microsoft NDIS Capture Kernel
    NdisImPlatfo Microsoft Network Adap Kernel
    NdisTapi Remote Access NDIS TAP Kernel
    Ndisuio NDIS Usermode I/O Prot Kernel
    NdisVirtualB Microsoft Virtual Netw Kernel
    NdisWan Remote Access NDIS WAN Kernel
    ndiswanlegac Remote Access LEGACY N Kernel
    NDKPing NDKPing Driver Kernel
    ndproxy NDIS Proxy Driver Kernel
    Ndu Windows Network Data U Kernel
    NetAdapterCx Network Adapter Wdf Cl Kernel
    NetBIOS NetBIOS Interface File System
    NetBT NetBT Kernel
    netvsc netvsc Kernel
    Npfs Npfs File System
    npsvctrig Named pipe service tri Kernel
    nsiproxy NSI Proxy Service Driv Kernel
    Ntfs Ntfs File System
    Null Null Kernel
    nvdimm Microsoft NVDIMM devic Kernel
    nvraid nvraid Kernel 4/21/2014 3:28:42 PM
    nvstor nvstor Kernel 4/21/2014 3:34:03 PM
    Parport Parallel port driver Kernel
    partmgr Partition driver Kernel
    pci PCI Bus Driver Kernel
    pciide pciide Kernel
    pcmcia pcmcia Kernel
    pcw Performance Counters f Kernel
    pdc pdc Kernel
    percsas2i percsas2i Kernel 3/14/2016 9:50:11 PM
    percsas3i percsas3i Kernel 6/1/2018 6:47:02 PM
    PktMon Packet Monitor Driver Kernel
    pmem Microsoft persistent m Kernel
    PNPMEM Microsoft Memory Modul Kernel
    portcfg portcfg Kernel
    PptpMiniport WAN Miniport (PPTP) Kernel
    Processor Processor Driver Kernel
    Psched QoS Packet Scheduler Kernel
    QWAVEdrv QWAVE driver Kernel
    Ramdisk Windows RAM Disk Drive Kernel
    RasAcd Remote Access Auto Con Kernel
    RasAgileVpn WAN Miniport (IKEv2) Kernel
    Rasl2tp WAN Miniport (L2TP) Kernel
    RasPppoe Remote Access PPPOE Dr Kernel
    RasSstp WAN Miniport (SSTP) Kernel
    rdbss Redirected Buffering S File System
    rdpbus Remote Desktop Device Kernel
    RDPDR Remote Desktop Device Kernel
    RdpVideoMini Remote Desktop Video M Kernel
    rdyboost ReadyBoost Kernel
    ReFS ReFS File System
    ReFSv1 ReFSv1 File System
    RFCOMM Bluetooth Device (RFCO Kernel
    rhproxy Resource Hub proxy dri Kernel
    rspndr Link-Layer Topology Di Kernel
    s3cap s3cap Kernel
  • @ricnar #1041 05:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    sbp2port SBP-2 Transport/Protoc Kernel
    scfilter Smart card PnP Class F Kernel
    scmbus Microsoft Storage Clas Kernel
    sdbus sdbus Kernel
    SDFRd SDF Reflector Kernel
    sdstor SD Storage Port Driver Kernel
    SerCx Serial UART Support Li Kernel
    SerCx2 Serial UART Support Li Kernel
    Serenum Serenum Filter Driver Kernel
    Serial Serial port driver Kernel
    sermouse Serial Mouse Driver Kernel
    sfloppy High-Capacity Floppy D Kernel
    SgrmAgent System Guard Runtime M Kernel
    SiSRaid2 SiSRaid2 Kernel 9/24/2008 3:28:20 PM
    SiSRaid4 SiSRaid4 Kernel 10/1/2008 6:56:04 PM
    SmartSAMD SmartSAMD Kernel 4/17/2018 12:29:21 PM
    smbdirect smbdirect File System
    spaceport Storage Spaces Driver Kernel
    SpatialGraph Holographic Spatial Gr Kernel
    SpbCx Simple Peripheral Bus Kernel
    srv Server SMB 1.xxx Drive File System
    srv2 Server SMB 2.xxx Drive File System
    srvnet srvnet File System
    stexstor stexstor Kernel 11/26/2012 9:02:51 PM
    storahci Microsoft Standard SAT Kernel
    storflt Microsoft Hyper-V Stor Kernel
    stornvme Microsoft Standard NVM Kernel
    storqosflt Storage QoS Filter Dri File System
    storufs Microsoft Universal Fl Kernel
    storvsc storvsc Kernel
    swenum Software Bus Driver Kernel
    Synth3dVsc Synth3dVsc Kernel
    Tcpip TCP/IP Protocol Driver Kernel
    Tcpip6 @todo.dll,-100;Microso Kernel
    tcpipreg TCP/IP Registry Compat Kernel
    tdx NetIO Legacy TDI Suppo Kernel
    terminpt Microsoft Remote Deskt Kernel
    TPM TPM Kernel
    TsUsbFlt Remote Desktop USB Hub Kernel
    TsUsbGD Remote Desktop Generic Kernel
    tsusbhub Remote Desktop USB Hub Kernel
    tunnel Microsoft Tunnel Minip Kernel
    UASPStor USB Attached SCSI (UAS Kernel
    UcmCx0101 USB Connector Manager Kernel
    UcmTcpciCx01 UCM-TCPCI KMDF Class E Kernel
    UcmUcsiAcpiC UCM-UCSI ACPI Client Kernel
    UcmUcsiCx010 UCM-UCSI KMDF Class Ex Kernel
    Ucx01000 USB Host Support Libra Kernel
    UdeCx USB Device Emulation S Kernel
    udfs udfs File System
    UEFI Microsoft UEFI Driver Kernel
    UevAgentDriv UevAgentDriver File System
    Ufx01000 USB Function Class Ext Kernel
    UfxChipidea USB Chipidea Controlle Kernel
    ufxsynopsys USB Synopsys Controlle Kernel
    umbus UMBus Enumerator Drive Kernel
    UmPass Microsoft UMPass Drive Kernel
    UrsChipidea Chipidea USB Role-Swit Kernel
    UrsCx01000 USB Role-Switch Suppor Kernel
    UrsSynopsys Synopsys USB Role-Swit Kernel
    usbaudio USB Audio Driver (WDM) Kernel
    usbaudio2 USB Audio 2.0 Service Kernel
    usbccgp Microsoft USB Generic Kernel
    usbcir eHome Infrared Receive Kernel
    usbehci Microsoft USB 2.0 Enha Kernel
    usbhub Microsoft USB Standard Kernel
    USBHUB3 SuperSpeed Hub Kernel
    usbohci Microsoft USB Open Hos Kernel
    usbprint Microsoft USB PRINTER Kernel
    usbser Microsoft USB Serial D Kernel
    USBSTOR USB Mass Storage Drive Kernel
    usbuhci Microsoft USB Universa Kernel
    USBXHCI USB xHCI Compliant Hos Kernel
    vdrvroot Microsoft Virtual Driv Kernel
    VerifierExt Driver Verifier Extens Kernel
    vhdmp vhdmp Kernel
    vhf Virtual HID Framework Kernel
    Vid Vid Kernel
    vm3dmp vm3dmp Kernel 7/15/2022 12:35:55 PM
    vm3dmp-debug vm3dmp-debug Kernel 7/15/2022 12:36:14 PM
    vm3dmp-stats vm3dmp-stats Kernel 7/15/2022 12:36:31 PM
    vm3dmp_loade vm3dmp_loader Kernel 7/15/2022 12:35:47 PM
    vmbus Virtual Machine Bus Kernel
    VMBusHID VMBusHID Kernel
    vmci VMware VMCI Bus Driver Kernel 11/21/2021 11:21:56 PM
    vmgid Microsoft Hyper-V Gues Kernel
    vmhgfs VMware Host Guest Clie File System 11/17/2021 1:32:25 AM
  • @ricnar #1042 05:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    VMMemCtl Memory Control Driver Kernel 11/17/2021 1:40:06 AM
    vmmouse VMware Pointing Device Kernel 11/24/2021 2:03:02 AM
    VMRawDsk VMware Physical Disk H Kernel 11/17/2021 1:40:19 AM
    volmgr Volume Manager Driver Kernel
    volmgrx Dynamic Volume Manager Kernel
    volsnap Volume Shadow Copy dri Kernel
    volume Volume driver Kernel
    vpci Microsoft Hyper-V Virt Kernel
    vsmraid vsmraid Kernel 4/22/2014 4:21:41 PM
    vsock vSockets Virtual Machi Kernel 11/21/2021 11:22:26 PM
    VSTXRAID VIA StorX Storage RAID Kernel 1/21/2013 4:00:28 PM
    vwifibus Virtual Wireless Bus D Kernel
    vwififlt Virtual WiFi Filter Dr Kernel
    WacomPen Wacom Serial Pen HID D Kernel
    wanarp Remote Access IP ARP D Kernel
    wanarpv6 Remote Access IPv6 ARP Kernel
    wcifs Windows Container Isol File System
    wcnfs Windows Container Name File System
    WdBoot Windows Defender Antiv Kernel
    Wdf01000 Kernel Mode Driver Fra Kernel
    WdFilter Windows Defender Antiv File System
    wdiwifi WDI Driver Framework Kernel
    WdmCompanion WdmCompanionFilter Kernel
    WdNisDrv Windows Defender Antiv Kernel
    WFPLWFS Microsoft Windows Filt Kernel
    WIMMount WIMMount File System
    WindowsTrust Windows Trusted Execut Kernel
    WindowsTrust Microsoft Windows Trus Kernel
    WinMad WinMad Service Kernel 4/25/2018 1:27:32 PM
    WinNat Windows NAT Driver Kernel
    WinQuic WinQuic Kernel
    WINUSB WinUsb Driver Kernel
    WinVerbs WinVerbs Service Kernel 4/25/2018 1:28:00 PM
    WmiAcpi Microsoft Windows Mana Kernel
    Wof Windows Overlay File S File System
    WpdUpFltr WPD Upper Class Filter Kernel
    ws2ifsl Windows Socket 2.0 Non Kernel
    WudfPf User Mode Driver Frame Kernel
    WUDFRd Windows Driver Foundat Kernel
    xboxgip Xbox Game Input Protoc Kernel
    xinputhid XINPUT HID Filter Driv Kernel

  • @ricnar #1043 05:09 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    its loaded
  • @ricnar #1044 05:09 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    hyperkbd hyperkbd Kernel
  • HyperDbg has a command for unloading and removing its driver "unload remove vmm", but it only works if the driver is loaded in the current instance which may not work in this case.
  • @HughEverett #1046 05:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    We have to manually unload these drivers. It's possible by using OSR driver loader but there should be some 'sc' command for that as well. Let me search.
  • @ricnar #1047 05:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    HyperDbg> .debug prepare serial 115200 com2
    err, path to the driver not found, or the access to the driver file is limited
    most of the time, it's because anti-virus software is not finished scanning the drivers, so, if you try to load the driver again (re-enter the previous command), the problem will be solved
    unable to install VMM driver
    failed to install or load the driver
  • @ricnar #1048 05:13 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1049 05:13 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    fffff807`76d28d04 cc int 3
    0: kd> u rip
    hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState+0x24 [C:\Users\ricnar\Desktop\aca\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 38]:
    fffff807`76d28d04 cc int 3
    fffff807`76d28d05 e846200100 call hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem (fffff807`76d3ad50)
    fffff807`76d28d0a cc int 3
    fffff807`76d28d0b eb00 jmp hprdbghv!AsmVmxRestoreState (fffff807`76d28d0d)
    hprdbghv!AsmVmxRestoreState [C:\Users\ricnar\Desktop\aca\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 51]:
    fffff807`76d28d0d 4881c400010000 add rsp,100h
    fffff807`76d28d14 415f pop r15
    fffff807`76d28d16 415e pop r14
    fffff807`76d28d18 415d pop r13
  • @ricnar #1050 05:13 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    it stops previous to the call
  • Oh, yes.
  • @ricnar #1052 05:15 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    and now?
  • @HughEverett #1053 05:16 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Now, please step through the source code, change windbg mode from binary mode to source code and go through the VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem function and see what stops it from running (what returns false).
  • @HughEverett #1054 05:18 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Please also note that as you have two cores, probably two cores hit the breakpoint simultaneously. But that's not a problem just step through the source code.
  • @ricnar #1055 05:19 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i changed to source mode but continue tracing in the dissassembly
  • @ricnar #1056 05:19 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i cannot copy all the code
  • @ricnar #1057 05:19 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    only the debug folder
  • @ricnar #1058 05:19 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    only can debug the dissassembly
  • That's okay, you can also understand what was wrong by only using disassembly. Just go to the VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem function and step "p" though the instructions to see what was the guilty check.

    This is source code of this function:
    HyperDbg/hyperdbg/hprdbghv/code/vmm/vmx/Vmx.c at a571781e8651998b982a9f53edf8f3d3501a6b2e · HyperDbg/HyperDbg

    State-of-the-art native debugging tool. Contribute to HyperDbg/HyperDbg development by creating an account on GitHub.

  • Which of these functions return FALSE?
  • @HughEverett #1062 05:24 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Or maybe this:
  • @HughEverett #1064 05:24 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Which one?
  • @ricnar #1065 05:27 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem+171 loc_18001AEB1: ; GuestStack
    VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem+171 mov rdx, [rsp+68h+GuestStack]
    VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem+176 mov rcx, [rsp+68h+VCpu] ; VCpu
    VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem+17B call VmxSetupVmcs
  • @ricnar #1066 05:27 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    when enter in this call seems to be the int 3 was produced inside
  • @ricnar #1067 05:27 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i will retry to confirm
  • @ricnar #1068 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.1778 AMD64
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Using NET for debugging
    Opened WinSock 2.0
    Waiting to reconnect...
    Connected to target on port 50000 on local IP
    You can get the target MAC address by running .kdtargetmac command.
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 10:31:00.210 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Kernel Debugger connection established.

    ************* Path validation summary **************
    Response Time (ms) Location
    Deferred SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Executable search path is:
    Windows 10 Kernel Version 18362 MP (1 procs) Free x64
    Edition build lab: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
    Machine Name:
    Kernel base = 0xfffff804`4ac00000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff804`4b045f30
    System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:01.983
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection
    KDNET received an out of sequence ping packet.
    The target machine restarted without notifying the debugger.
    Forcing a debugger reconnect...
    Shutdown occurred at (Tue Jun 20 10:40:22.551 2023 (UTC - 3:00))...unloading all symbol tables.
    Using NET for debugging
    Opened WinSock 2.0
    Connected to target on port 50000 on local IP
    You can get the target MAC address by running .kdtargetmac command.
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 10:40:22.673 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Kernel Debugger connection established.

    ************* Path validation summary **************
    Response Time (ms) Location
    Deferred SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Executable search path is:
    Windows 10 Kernel Version 18362 MP (1 procs) Free x64
    Edition build lab: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
    Machine Name:
    Kernel base = 0xfffff803`5ce00000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff803`5d245f30
    System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:01.851
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff808`7bb28cf9 cc int 3
    1: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff808`7bb28cf9 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection

    *** Fatal System Error: 0x0000003b

    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)

    A fatal system error has occurred.
    Debugger entered on first try; Bugcheck callbacks have not been invoked.

    A fatal system error has occurred.

    For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
    fffff803`5cfcbc90 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    KDNET received an out of sequence ping packet.
    The target machine restarted without notifying the debugger.
    Forcing a debugger reconnect...
    Shutdown occurred at (Tue Jun 20 11:21:12.389 2023 (UTC - 3:00))...unloading all symbol tables.
    Using NET for debugging
    Opened WinSock 2.0
    Connected to target on port 50000 on local IP
    You can get the target MAC address by running .kdtargetmac command.
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 11:21:12.534 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Kernel Debugger connection established.
    Symbol information

    Provides information about the Microsoft Symbol Server.

  • @ricnar #1069 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    ************* Path validation summary **************
    Response Time (ms) Location
    Deferred SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Executable search path is:
    Windows 10 Kernel Version 18362 MP (1 procs) Free x64
    Edition build lab: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
    Machine Name:
    Kernel base = 0xfffff807`13000000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff807`13445f30
    System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:01.046
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`131cbc90 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`131cbc90 cc int 3
    1: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    Symbol information

    Provides information about the Microsoft Symbol Server.

  • @ricnar #1070 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`131cbc90 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`131cbc90 cc int 3
    1: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`131cbc90 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff805`81978cf9 cc int 3
    0: kd> k
    # Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
    00 ffff8283`1fbbee90 ffff8283`1fbbee90 hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState+0x29 [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 39]
    01 ffff8283`1fbbee98 00000000`00000002 0xffff8283`1fbbee90
    02 ffff8283`1fbbeea0 00000000`00000000 0x2
    0: kd> .reload
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 11:28:41.673 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Loading Kernel Symbols

    Press ctrl-c (cdb, kd, ntsd) or ctrl-break (windbg) to abort symbol loads that take too long.
    Run !sym noisy before .reload to track down problems loading symbols.
  • @ricnar #1071 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Loading User Symbols
    Loading unloaded module list
    0: kd> lm
    start end module name
    00007ff6`895c0000 00007ff6`89876000 hyperdbg_cli (deferred)
    00007ffa`a0ab0000 00007ffa`a0f1d000 pdbex (deferred)
    00007ffa`a0f20000 00007ffa`a11f8000 symbol_parser (deferred)
    00007ffa`a1200000 00007ffa`a13a0000 hprdbgrev (deferred)
    00007ffa`a13a0000 00007ffa`a1589000 script_engine (deferred)
    00007ffa`a1590000 00007ffa`a1a6d000 HPRDBGCTRL (deferred)
    00007ffa`b84a0000 00007ffa`b8694000 dbghelp (deferred)
    00007ffa`bc2d0000 00007ffa`bc4a5000 urlmon (deferred)
    00007ffa`bdb60000 00007ffa`bde07000 iertutil (deferred)
    00007ffa`c36e0000 00007ffa`c376f000 apphelp (deferred)
    00007ffa`c4e40000 00007ffa`c4e4c000 CRYPTBASE (deferred)
    00007ffa`c5490000 00007ffa`c54a0000 UMPDC (deferred)
    00007ffa`c54a0000 00007ffa`c54b1000 kernel_appcore (deferred)
    00007ffa`c54c0000 00007ffa`c550a000 powrprof (deferred)
    00007ffa`c5530000 00007ffa`c554e000 profapi (deferred)
    00007ffa`c5740000 00007ffa`c57de000 msvcp_win (deferred)
    00007ffa`c57e0000 00007ffa`c5801000 win32u (deferred)
    00007ffa`c58c0000 00007ffa`c59ba000 ucrtbase (deferred)
    00007ffa`c59e0000 00007ffa`c5c85000 KERNELBASE (deferred)
    00007ffa`c5c90000 00007ffa`c5d14000 bcryptPrimitives (deferred)
    00007ffa`c5d70000 00007ffa`c64eb000 windows_storage (deferred)
    00007ffa`c64f0000 00007ffa`c6688000 gdi32full (deferred)
    00007ffa`c6690000 00007ffa`c672e000 msvcrt (deferred)
    00007ffa`c6730000 00007ffa`c67d9000 shcore (deferred)
    00007ffa`c67e0000 00007ffa`c6806000 GDI32 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c6810000 00007ffa`c6862000 SHLWAPI (deferred)
    00007ffa`c6870000 00007ffa`c6922000 KERNEL32 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c6930000 00007ffa`c6ac4000 USER32 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c6ad0000 00007ffa`c6b67000 sechost (deferred)
    00007ffa`c6fc0000 00007ffa`c702f000 WS2_32 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c7030000 00007ffa`c7366000 combase (deferred)
    00007ffa`c7420000 00007ffa`c744e000 IMM32 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c78c0000 00007ffa`c78c8000 PSAPI (deferred)
    00007ffa`c7930000 00007ffa`c79d3000 ADVAPI32 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c7a00000 00007ffa`c7b57000 ole32 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c7bf0000 00007ffa`c7cb5000 OLEAUT32 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c7cc0000 00007ffa`c7ddf000 RPCRT4 (deferred)
    00007ffa`c85e0000 00007ffa`c87d0000 ntdll (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\ntdll.pdb\BF51864800EAAA852CE7A7AF426B3F011\ntdll.pdb
    ffffac9f`b9c00000 ffffac9f`b9fa2000 win32kfull (deferred)
    ffffac9f`b9fb0000 ffffac9f`ba252000 win32kbase (deferred)
    ffffac9f`ba260000 ffffac9f`ba2a8000 cdd (deferred)
    ffffac9f`baa00000 ffffac9f`baa8c000 win32k (deferred)
    fffff805`80020000 fffff805`8003f000 dump_lsi_sas (deferred)
    fffff805`80060000 fffff805`8007d000 dump_dumpfve (deferred)
    fffff805`80090000 fffff805`800c0000 cdrom (deferred)
    fffff805`800d0000 fffff805`800e5000 filecrypt (deferred)
    fffff805`800f0000 fffff805`800fe000 tbs (deferred)
    fffff805`80100000 fffff805`8010a000 Null (deferred)
    fffff805`80110000 fffff805`8011a000 Beep (deferred)
    fffff805`80120000 fffff805`80131000 vmrawdsk (deferred)
  • @ricnar #1072 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    fffff805`80140000 fffff805`804b1000 dxgkrnl (deferred)
    fffff805`804c0000 fffff805`804d6000 watchdog (deferred)
    fffff805`804e0000 fffff805`804f6000 BasicDisplay (deferred)
    fffff805`80500000 fffff805`80511000 BasicRender (deferred)
    fffff805`80520000 fffff805`8053c000 Npfs (deferred)
    fffff805`80540000 fffff805`80551000 Msfs (deferred)
    fffff805`80560000 fffff805`80586000 tdx (deferred)
    fffff805`80590000 fffff805`805a0000 TDI (deferred)
    fffff805`805b0000 fffff805`805be000 ws2ifsl (deferred)
    fffff805`805c0000 fffff805`80619000 netbt (deferred)
    fffff805`80620000 fffff805`80633000 afunix (deferred)
    fffff805`80640000 fffff805`806e7000 afd (deferred)
    fffff805`806f0000 fffff805`8070a000 vwififlt (deferred)
    fffff805`80710000 fffff805`8073b000 pacer (deferred)
    fffff805`80740000 fffff805`80754000 netbios (deferred)
    fffff805`80760000 fffff805`807db000 rdbss (deferred)
    fffff805`807e0000 fffff805`80874000 csc (deferred)
    fffff805`80880000 fffff805`80892000 nsiproxy (deferred)
    fffff805`808a0000 fffff805`808ad000 npsvctrig (deferred)
    fffff805`808b0000 fffff805`808c0000 mssmbios (deferred)
    fffff805`808d0000 fffff805`808da000 gpuenergydrv (deferred)
    fffff805`808e0000 fffff805`8090c000 dfsc (deferred)
    fffff805`80910000 fffff805`80928000 monitor (deferred)
    fffff805`80930000 fffff805`80946000 bam (deferred)
    fffff805`80950000 fffff805`8099f000 ahcache (deferred)
    fffff805`809a0000 fffff805`80a2d000 Vid (deferred)
    fffff805`80a30000 fffff805`80a4f000 winhvr (deferred)
    fffff805`80a50000 fffff805`80a61000 CompositeBus (deferred)
    fffff805`80a70000 fffff805`80a7d000 kdnic (deferred)
    fffff805`80a80000 fffff805`80a95000 umbus (deferred)
    fffff805`80aa0000 fffff805`80ac3000 i8042prt (deferred)
    fffff805`80ad0000 fffff805`80ae4000 kbdclass (deferred)
    fffff805`80af0000 fffff805`80af9000 vmmouse (deferred)
    fffff805`80b00000 fffff805`80b13000 mouclass (deferred)
    fffff805`80b20000 fffff805`80b3f000 parport (deferred)
    fffff805`80b40000 fffff805`80b5c000 serial (deferred)
    fffff805`80b60000 fffff805`80b6f000 serenum (deferred)
    fffff805`80b70000 fffff805`80b7f000 fdc (deferred)
    fffff805`80b80000 fffff805`80b8a000 vm3dmp_loader (deferred)
    fffff805`80b90000 fffff805`80be2000 vm3dmp (deferred)
    fffff805`80bf0000 fffff805`80bff000 CmBatt (deferred)
    fffff805`80c00000 fffff805`80c10000 BATTC (deferred)
    fffff805`80c20000 fffff805`80c5e000 intelppm (deferred)
    fffff805`80c60000 fffff805`80c6d000 NdisVirtualBus (deferred)
    fffff805`80c70000 fffff805`80c7c000 swenum (deferred)
    fffff805`80c80000 fffff805`80cf8000 ks (deferred)
    fffff805`80d00000 fffff805`80d0e000 rdpbus (deferred)
    fffff805`80d10000 fffff805`80d6b000 udfs (deferred)
    fffff805`80d70000 fffff805`80d83000 HIDPARSE (deferred)
    fffff805`80da0000 fffff805`80dae000 dump_diskdump (deferred)
    fffff805`80dd0000 fffff805`80ded000 crashdmp (deferred)
    fffff805`80e00000 fffff805`80e8f000 mrxsmb (deferred)
    fffff805`80e90000 fffff805`80ed5000 mrxsmb20 (deferred)
    fffff805`80ee0000 fffff805`80ef8000 lltdio (deferred)
    fffff805`80f00000 fffff805`80f19000 mslldp (deferred)
  • @ricnar #1073 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    fffff805`80f20000 fffff805`80f3b000 rspndr (deferred)
    fffff805`80f40000 fffff805`80f5d000 wanarp (deferred)
    fffff805`80f60000 fffff805`810a4000 HTTP (deferred)
    fffff805`810b0000 fffff805`810ca000 mpsdrv (deferred)
    fffff805`810d0000 fffff805`81123000 srvnet (deferred)
    fffff805`81130000 fffff805`811f5000 srv2 (deferred)
    fffff805`81200000 fffff805`8120a000 vmmemctl (deferred)
    fffff805`81210000 fffff805`81224000 mmcss (deferred)
    fffff805`81230000 fffff805`81282000 mrxsmb10 (deferred)
    fffff805`81290000 fffff805`812b7000 Ndu (deferred)
    fffff805`81330000 fffff805`8140a000 dxgmms2 (deferred)
    fffff805`81410000 fffff805`8141d000 rdpvideominiport (deferred)
    fffff805`81450000 fffff805`81487000 wcifs (deferred)
    fffff805`81490000 fffff805`81507000 cldflt (deferred)
    fffff805`81510000 fffff805`8153f000 rdpdr (deferred)
    fffff805`81540000 fffff805`8155a000 storqosflt (deferred)
    fffff805`81560000 fffff805`81587000 tsusbhub (deferred)
    fffff805`81590000 fffff805`815b5000 bowser (deferred)
    fffff805`815c0000 fffff805`815f8000 winquic (deferred)
    fffff805`81800000 fffff805`8182c000 vmhgfs (deferred)
    fffff805`81830000 fffff805`81852000 rasl2tp (deferred)
    fffff805`81860000 fffff805`81880000 raspptp (deferred)
    fffff805`81890000 fffff805`818a3000 condrv (deferred)
    fffff805`818b0000 fffff805`818cc000 raspppoe (deferred)
    fffff805`818d0000 fffff805`818df000 ndistapi (deferred)
    fffff805`818e0000 fffff805`8191a000 ndiswan (deferred)
    fffff805`81920000 fffff805`8193c000 WdNisDrv (deferred)
    fffff805`81940000 fffff805`81957000 hprdbgkd (deferred)
    fffff805`81960000 fffff805`8196b000 hyperlog (deferred)
    fffff805`81970000 fffff805`819f6000 hprdbghv (private pdb symbols) c:\symbols\hprdbghv.pdb\CD299968B52442318710EFF6CE521E681\hprdbghv.pdb
    fffff805`81a00000 fffff805`81a0e000 kdserial (deferred)
    fffff805`823c0000 fffff805`82496000 peauth (deferred)
    fffff805`824a0000 fffff805`82535000 srv (deferred)
    fffff805`82540000 fffff805`82554000 tcpipreg (deferred)
    fffff805`82560000 fffff805`8257d000 rassstp (deferred)
    fffff805`82580000 fffff805`825c1000 NDProxy (deferred)
    fffff805`825d0000 fffff805`825f7000 AgileVpn (deferred)
    fffff807`12f5c000 fffff807`13000000 hal (deferred)
    fffff807`13000000 fffff807`13ab5000 nt (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\ntkrnlmp.pdb\2146E84F70B609E577618A477DC70B541\ntkrnlmp.pdb
    fffff807`16200000 fffff807`16247000 kd_02_8086 (deferred)
    fffff807`16250000 fffff807`16299000 kdcom (deferred)
    fffff807`162a0000 fffff807`164a1000 mcupdate_GenuineIntel (deferred)
    fffff807`164b0000 fffff807`164c1000 werkernel (deferred)
    fffff807`164d0000 fffff807`164f9000 ksecdd (deferred)
    fffff807`16500000 fffff807`16561000 msrpc (deferred)
    fffff807`16570000 fffff807`16597000 tm (deferred)
    fffff807`165a0000 fffff807`165ba000 PSHED (deferred)
    fffff807`165c0000 fffff807`165cb000 BOOTVID (deferred)
    fffff807`165d0000 fffff807`165de000 cmimcext (deferred)
    fffff807`165e0000 fffff807`165ec000 ntosext (deferred)
    fffff807`165f0000 fffff807`165ff000 SleepStudyHelper (deferred)
    fffff807`16690000 fffff807`166f8000 CLFS (deferred)
    fffff807`16700000 fffff807`16805000 clipsp (deferred)
  • @ricnar #1074 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    fffff807`16810000 fffff807`16881000 FLTMGR (deferred)
    fffff807`16890000 fffff807`1696f000 CI (deferred)
    fffff807`16970000 fffff807`16a2f000 cng (deferred)
    fffff807`16a30000 fffff807`16b05000 Wdf01000 (deferred)
    fffff807`16b10000 fffff807`16b23000 WDFLDR (deferred)
    fffff807`16b30000 fffff807`16b40000 WppRecorder (deferred)
    fffff807`16b50000 fffff807`16b75000 acpiex (deferred)
    fffff807`16b80000 fffff807`16bc9000 mssecflt (deferred)
    fffff807`16bd0000 fffff807`16bea000 SgrmAgent (deferred)
    fffff807`16bf0000 fffff807`16cbc000 ACPI (deferred)
    fffff807`16cc0000 fffff807`16ccc000 WMILIB (deferred)
    fffff807`16cf0000 fffff807`16d4b000 intelpep (deferred)
    fffff807`16d50000 fffff807`16d67000 WindowsTrustedRT (deferred)
    fffff807`16d70000 fffff807`16d7b000 WindowsTrustedRTProxy (deferred)
    fffff807`16d80000 fffff807`16d95000 pcw (deferred)
    fffff807`16da0000 fffff807`16dab000 msisadrv (deferred)
    fffff807`16db0000 fffff807`16e1e000 pci (deferred)
    fffff807`16e20000 fffff807`16e33000 vdrvroot (deferred)
    fffff807`16e40000 fffff807`16e81000 ucx01000 (deferred)
    fffff807`16e90000 fffff807`16ec3000 pdc (deferred)
    fffff807`16ed0000 fffff807`16ee9000 CEA (deferred)
    fffff807`16ef0000 fffff807`16f20000 partmgr (deferred)
    fffff807`16f30000 fffff807`16fd5000 spaceport (deferred)
    fffff807`16fe0000 fffff807`16feb000 intelide (deferred)
    fffff807`16ff0000 fffff807`17003000 PCIIDEX (deferred)
    fffff807`17010000 fffff807`1702a000 volmgr (deferred)
    fffff807`17030000 fffff807`1707e000 sdbus (deferred)
    fffff807`17080000 fffff807`170e3000 volmgrx (deferred)
    fffff807`170f0000 fffff807`17108000 vsock (deferred)
    fffff807`17110000 fffff807`1712c000 vmci (deferred)
    fffff807`17130000 fffff807`17148000 urscx01000 (deferred)
    fffff807`17150000 fffff807`1716f000 mountmgr (deferred)
    fffff807`17170000 fffff807`1718f000 lsi_sas (deferred)
    fffff807`17190000 fffff807`17234000 storport (deferred)
    fffff807`17240000 fffff807`1724d000 atapi (deferred)
    fffff807`17250000 fffff807`1728b000 ataport (deferred)
    fffff807`17290000 fffff807`172ab000 EhStorClass (deferred)
    fffff807`172b0000 fffff807`172ca000 fileinfo (deferred)
    fffff807`172d0000 fffff807`1730d000 Wof (deferred)
    fffff807`17310000 fffff807`1738e000 WdFilter (deferred)
    fffff807`17390000 fffff807`1762c000 Ntfs (deferred)
    fffff807`17630000 fffff807`17663000 usbccgp (deferred)
    fffff807`17670000 fffff807`1767e000 USBD (deferred)
    fffff807`17680000 fffff807`1768d000 urschipidea (deferred)
    fffff807`17690000 fffff807`176ad000 usbehci (deferred)
    fffff807`176b0000 fffff807`1772a000 USBPORT (deferred)
    fffff807`17730000 fffff807`177ba000 usbhub (deferred)
    fffff807`177c0000 fffff807`17860000 UsbHub3 (deferred)
    fffff807`17870000 fffff807`1787d000 Fs_Rec (deferred)
    fffff807`17880000 fffff807`179f1000 ndis (deferred)
    fffff807`17a00000 fffff807`17a94000 NETIO (deferred)
    fffff807`17aa0000 fffff807`17ad2000 ksecpkg (deferred)
    fffff807`17ae0000 fffff807`17dcc000 tcpip (deferred)
    fffff807`17dd0000 fffff807`17e4a000 fwpkclnt (deferred)
    fffff807`17e50000 fffff807`17e80000 wfplwfs (deferred)
  • @ricnar #1075 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    fffff807`17e90000 fffff807`17f59000 fvevol (deferred)
    fffff807`17f60000 fffff807`17f6b000 volume (deferred)
    fffff807`17f70000 fffff807`17fdd000 volsnap (deferred)
    fffff807`17fe0000 fffff807`18069000 USBXHCI (deferred)
    fffff807`18070000 fffff807`18095000 USBSTOR (deferred)
    fffff807`180a0000 fffff807`180b8000 uaspstor (deferred)
    fffff807`180c0000 fffff807`180de000 sdstor (deferred)
    fffff807`180e0000 fffff807`1812e000 rdyboost (deferred)
    fffff807`18130000 fffff807`18156000 mup (deferred)
    fffff807`18160000 fffff807`18172000 iorate (deferred)
    fffff807`181a0000 fffff807`181bc000 disk (deferred)
    fffff807`181c0000 fffff807`1822c000 CLASSPNP (deferred)

    Unloaded modules:
    fffff805`81420000 fffff805`8144b000 luafv.sys
    fffff805`80000000 fffff805`8000f000 dump_storport.sys
    fffff805`80030000 fffff805`80050000 dump_lsi_sas.sys
    fffff805`80070000 fffff805`8008e000 dump_dumpfve.sys
    fffff805`80910000 fffff805`8092e000 dam.sys
    fffff807`16cd0000 fffff807`16ce1000 WdBoot.sys
    fffff807`18180000 fffff807`18191000 hwpolicy.sys
    0: kd> .reload /f
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 11:29:29.829 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Loading Kernel Symbols

    Press ctrl-c (cdb, kd, ntsd) or ctrl-break (windbg) to abort symbol loads that take too long.
    Run !sym noisy before .reload to track down problems loading symbols.

    Loading User Symbols
    .*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for hyperdbg-cli.exe
    .....*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for HPRDBGCTRL.dll
    ................*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for script-engine.dll
    .*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for hprdbgrev.dll
    .*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for symbol-parser.dll
    ..........*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for pdbex.dll

    Press ctrl-c (cdb, kd, ntsd) or ctrl-break (windbg) to abort symbol loads that take too long.
    Run !sym noisy before .reload to track down problems loading symbols.

    Loading unloaded module list

    ************* Symbol Loading Error Summary **************
    Module name Error
    clipsp The system cannot find the file specified
    vsock The system cannot find the file specified
    vmci The system cannot find the file specified
    WdFilter The system cannot find the file specified
    vmrawdsk The system cannot find the file specified
    vmmouse The system cannot find the file specified
    vm3dmp_loader The system cannot find the file specified
    vm3dmp The system cannot find the file specified
    vmmemctl The system cannot find the file specified
    peauth The system cannot find the file specified
    vmhgfs The system cannot find the file specified
    WdNisDrv The system cannot find the file specified
    hprdbgkd The system cannot find the file specified
    hyperlog The system cannot find the file specified
    kdserial The system cannot find the file specified
  • @ricnar #1076 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    You can troubleshoot most symbol related issues by turning on symbol loading diagnostics (!sym noisy) and repeating the command that caused symbols to be loaded.
    You should also verify that your symbol search path (.sympath) is correct.
    0: kd> k
    # Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
    00 ffff8283`1fbbee90 ffff8283`1fbbee90 hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState+0x29 [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 39]
    01 ffff8283`1fbbee98 00000000`00000002 0xffff8283`1fbbee90
    02 ffff8283`1fbbeea0 00000000`00000000 0x2
    0: kd> x *!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem
    fffff805`8198abb0 hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem (void *)
    0: kd> u fffff805`8198abb0
    hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\vmm\vmx\Vmx.c @ 412]:
    fffff805`8198abb0 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
    fffff805`8198abb5 4883ec68 sub rsp,68h
    fffff805`8198abb9 48c744245000000000 mov qword ptr [rsp+50h],0
    fffff805`8198abc2 e8292dffff call hprdbghv!KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber (fffff805`8197d8f0)
    fffff805`8198abc7 89442440 mov dword ptr [rsp+40h],eax
    fffff805`8198abcb 8b442440 mov eax,dword ptr [rsp+40h]
    fffff805`8198abcf 4869c0e8010000 imul rax,rax,1E8h
    fffff805`8198abd6 488b0d9b360600 mov rcx,qword ptr [hprdbghv!g_GuestState (fffff805`819ee278)]
    windbg> .open -a fffff8058198abb0
    0: kd> p
    fffff805`81978cfa eb00 jmp hprdbghv!AsmVmxRestoreState (fffff805`81978cfc)
    0: kd> ub rip
    hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState+0x12 [D:\a\HyperDbg\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 28]:
    fffff805`81978ce2 4154 push r12
    fffff805`81978ce4 4155 push r13
    fffff805`81978ce6 4156 push r14
    fffff805`81978ce8 4157 push r15
    fffff805`81978cea 4881ec00010000 sub rsp,100h
    fffff805`81978cf1 488bcc mov rcx,rsp
    fffff805`81978cf4 e8b71e0100 call hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem (fffff805`8198abb0)
    fffff805`81978cf9 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    KDNET received an out of sequence ping packet.
    The target machine restarted without notifying the debugger.
    Forcing a debugger reconnect...
    KDNET received an out of sequence ping packet.
    The target machine restarted without notifying the debugger.
    Forcing a debugger reconnect...
    Shutdown occurred at (Tue Jun 20 13:54:32.830 2023 (UTC - 3:00))...unloading all symbol tables.
    Using NET for debugging
    Opened WinSock 2.0
    Connected to target on port 50000 on local IP
    You can get the target MAC address by running .kdtargetmac command.
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection
    Connected to Windows 10 18362 x64 target at (Tue Jun 20 13:54:43.349 2023 (UTC - 3:00)), ptr64 TRUE
    Kernel Debugger connection established.
  • @ricnar #1077 05:28 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    ************* Path validation summary **************
    Response Time (ms) Location
    Deferred SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
    Executable search path is:
    Windows 10 Kernel Version 18362 MP (2 procs) Free x64
    Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
    Edition build lab: 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
    Machine Name:
    Kernel base = 0xfffff807`7a000000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff807`7a445f30
    Debug session time: Tue Jun 20 13:54:44.002 2023 (UTC - 3:00)
    System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:28.722
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`7a1cbc90 cc int 3
    1: kd> lm
    start end module name
    fffff807`7a000000 fffff807`7aab5000 nt (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\ntkrnlmp.pdb\2146E84F70B609E577618A477DC70B541\ntkrnlmp.pdb
    fffff808`ec8d0000 fffff808`ec8e6000 BasicDisplay (deferred)
    fffff808`ec8f0000 fffff808`ec901000 BasicRender (deferred)
    fffff808`ec910000 fffff808`ec92c000 Npfs (deferred)
    fffff808`ec930000 fffff808`ec941000 Msfs (deferred)
    fffff808`ec950000 fffff808`ec976000 tdx (deferred)
    fffff808`ec980000 fffff808`ec990000 TDI (deferred)
    fffff808`ec9a0000 fffff808`ec9ae000 ws2ifsl (deferred)
    fffff808`ec9b0000 fffff808`eca09000 netbt (deferred)
    fffff808`eca10000 fffff808`eca23000 afunix (deferred)
    fffff808`eca30000 fffff808`ecad7000 afd (deferred)
    fffff808`ecae0000 fffff808`ecafa000 vwififlt (deferred)
    fffff808`ecb00000 fffff808`ecb2b000 pacer (deferred)
    fffff808`ecb30000 fffff808`ecb44000 netbios (deferred)
    fffff808`ecb50000 fffff808`ecbcb000 rdbss (deferred)
    fffff808`ecbd0000 fffff808`ecc64000 csc (deferred)
    fffff808`ecc70000 fffff808`ecc82000 nsiproxy (deferred)
    fffff808`ecc90000 fffff808`ecc9d000 npsvctrig (deferred)
    fffff808`ecca0000 fffff808`eccb0000 mssmbios (deferred)
    fffff808`eccc0000 fffff808`eccca000 gpuenergydrv (deferred)
    fffff808`eccd0000 fffff808`eccfc000 dfsc (deferred)
    fffff808`ecd20000 fffff808`ecd36000 bam (deferred)
    fffff808`ecd40000 fffff808`ecd8f000 ahcache (deferred)
    fffff808`ed380000 fffff808`ed40d000 Vid (deferred)
    fffff808`ed410000 fffff808`ed42f000 winhvr (deferred)
    fffff808`ed430000 fffff808`ed441000 CompositeBus (deferred)
    fffff808`ed450000 fffff808`ed45d000 kdnic (deferred)
    Symbol information

    Provides information about the Microsoft Symbol Server.

  • @ricnar #1078 05:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    so many int 3
  • @ricnar #1079 05:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Unloaded modules:
    fffff808`ecd00000 fffff808`ecd1e000 dam.sys
    fffff807`7cad0000 fffff807`7cae1000 WdBoot.sys
    fffff807`7df80000 fffff807`7df91000 hwpolicy.sys
    1: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`7a1cbc90 cc int 3
    1: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff807`76d28d04 cc int 3
    0: kd> u rip
    hprdbghv!AsmVmxSaveState+0x24 [C:\Users\ricnar\Desktop\aca\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 38]:
    fffff807`76d28d04 cc int 3
    fffff807`76d28d05 e846200100 call hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem (fffff807`76d3ad50)
    fffff807`76d28d0a cc int 3
    fffff807`76d28d0b eb00 jmp hprdbghv!AsmVmxRestoreState (fffff807`76d28d0d)
    hprdbghv!AsmVmxRestoreState [C:\Users\ricnar\Desktop\aca\HyperDbg\hyperdbg\hprdbghv\code\assembly\AsmVmxContextState.asm @ 51]:
    fffff807`76d28d0d 4881c400010000 add rsp,100h
    fffff807`76d28d14 415f pop r15
    fffff807`76d28d16 415e pop r14
    fffff807`76d28d18 415d pop r13
    0: kd> t
    fffff807`76d28d05 e846200100 call hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem (fffff807`76d3ad50)
    0: kd> t
    fffff807`76d28d04 cc int 3
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d28d05 e846200100 call hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem (fffff807`76d3ad50)
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d3ad50 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d3ad59 cc int 3
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d3ad5a 48c744245000000000 mov qword ptr [rsp+50h],0
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d3ad63 e8882cffff call hprdbghv!KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber (fffff807`76d2d9f0)
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d2d9f0 658a042584010000 mov al,byte ptr gs:[184h]
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d2d9f8 0fb6c0 movzx eax,al
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d2d9fb c3 ret
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d3ad68 89442440 mov dword ptr [rsp+40h],eax
    1: kd> p
    fffff807`76d3ad6c 8b442440 mov eax,dword ptr [rsp+40h]
    1: kd> t
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
  • @ricnar #1080 05:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`7a1cbc90 cc int 3
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`7a1cbc91 c3 ret
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`7a1e6a0c 90 nop
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`7a1e6a0d e9f094f7ff jmp nt!KdCheckForDebugBreak+0x1e (fffff807`7a15ff02)
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`7a15ff02 4883c428 add rsp,28h
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`7a15ff06 c3 ret
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`7a1fa7a3 90 nop
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`7a1fa7a4 e9787fe4ff jmp nt!KeAccumulateTicks+0x51 (fffff807`7a042721)
    1: kd> u rip
    fffff807`7a1fa7a4 e9787fe4ff jmp nt!KeAccumulateTicks+0x51 (fffff807`7a042721)
    fffff807`7a1fa7a9 cc int 3
    fffff807`7a1fa7aa a801 test al,1
    fffff807`7a1fa7ac 0f848d84e4ff je nt!KiCheckForTimerExpiration+0x18f (fffff807`7a042c3f)
    fffff807`7a1fa7b2 4180fe02 cmp r14b,2
    fffff807`7a1fa7b6 0f838384e4ff jae nt!KiCheckForTimerExpiration+0x18f (fffff807`7a042c3f)
    fffff807`7a1fa7bc 65488b042520000000 mov rax,qword ptr gs:[20h]
    fffff807`7a1fa7c5 488b90b8610000 mov rdx,qword ptr [rax+61B8h]
    1: kd> gu
    fffff807`7a044477 488b7308 mov rsi,qword ptr [rbx+8]
    1: kd> gu
    fffff807`79f5f28c 0f1f440000 nop dword ptr [rax+rax]
    1: kd> gu
    Single step exception - code 80000004 (first chance)
    First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
    This exception may be expected and handled.
    fffff807`76d3ad7e 4803c8 add rcx,rax
    1: kd> p
    fffff807`76d3ad89 33c0 xor eax,eax
    1: kd> p
    fffff807`76d3adcf 488b4c2448 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+48h]
    1: kd> p
    fffff807`76d3ae29 488b4c2448 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+48h]
    1: kd> p
    fffff807`76d3ae38 7549 jne hprdbghv!VmxVirtualizeCurrentSystem+0x133 (fffff807`76d3ae83)
    1: kd> p
    fffff807`76d3ae83 33c0 xor eax,eax
    1: kd> r
    rax=0000000000000001 rbx=ffff9c800a302f80 rcx=ffffc787fcf84200
    rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=ffff9c800a305a20 rdi=ffff9c800a300180
    rip=fffff80776d3ae83 rsp=ffffac8a01e30a10 rbp=ffffac8a01e30d40
    r8=ffffac8a02909090 r9=ffffac8a02909098 r10=fffff80776d29d30
    r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
    r14=ffffac8a01e30e70 r15=0000000000000001
    iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
    cs=0010 ss=0018 ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000202
    fffff807`76d3ae83 33c0 xor eax,eax
    1: kd> t
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
  • @ricnar #1081 05:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`7a1cbc90 cc int 3
    0: kd> t
    fffff807`7a1cbc91 c3 ret
    0: kd> t
    fffff807`76d3aec1 488b542470 mov rdx,qword ptr [rsp+70h]
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`76d3a520 4889542410 mov qword ptr [rsp+10h],rdx
    1: kd> t
    fffff807`7a1e6a0c 90 nop
    0: kd> t
    fffff807`76d3a52a 57 push rdi
    1: kd> gu
    Single step exception - code 80000004 (first chance)
    First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
    This exception may be expected and handled.
    fffff807`7a1e6a0d e9f094f7ff jmp nt!KdCheckForDebugBreak+0x1e (fffff807`7a15ff02)
    0: kd> t
    fffff807`7a15ff02 4883c428 add rsp,28h
    0: kd> gu
    fffff807`7a1fa7a3 90 nop
    0: kd> gu
    fffff807`7a0441fc 488b7308 mov rsi,qword ptr [rbx+8]
    0: kd> gu
    fffff807`79f5d562 0f1f440000 nop dword ptr [rax+rax]
    0: kd> gu
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff807`76d28d0a cc int 3
    1: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    * *
    * You are seeing this message because you pressed either *
    * CTRL+C (if you run console kernel debugger) or, *
    * CTRL+BREAK (if you run GUI kernel debugger), *
    * on your debugger machine's keyboard. *
    * *
    * *
    * If you did not intend to break into the debugger, press the "g" key, then *
    * press the "Enter" key now. This message might immediately reappear. If it *
    * does, press "g" and "Enter" again. *
    * *
    fffff807`7a1cbc90 cc int 3
    1: kd> g
    Single step exception - code 80000004 (first chance)
    First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
    This exception may be expected and handled.
    fffff807`76d3ad50 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
    0: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff807`76d3ad59 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff807`76d28d0a cc int 3
    0: kd> g
    KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection

    *** Fatal System Error: 0x0000003b
  • @ricnar #1082 05:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)

    A fatal system error has occurred.
    Debugger entered on first try; Bugcheck callbacks have not been invoked.

    A fatal system error has occurred.

    fffff807`7a1cbc90 cc int 3
    0: kd> g
  • @HughEverett #1083 05:29 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I think the other core hit the breakpoint. Maybe if it's complicated to debug two cores simultaneously, you can configure your VM to have only one core.
  • @ricnar #1084 05:30 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i changed to one processor one core
  • @HughEverett #1085 05:32 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Can you send the above WinDbg tracing in a txt file format? It's a little bit hard to follow it from the text message.
  • @ricnar #1086 05:39 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1087 05:39 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1088 05:41 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    maybe is jumping two or three lines for the source mode
  • @ricnar #1089 05:41 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i will disable source mode
  • @ricnar #1090 05:41 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    in the next try
  • @HughEverett #1091 05:43 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Okay, I'll get it, the VMLAUNCH is failed.
  • As VMLAUNCH is failed, the entire virtualization routine will be failed.
  • @HughEverett #1094 05:46 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Now, the question is why this VMLAUNCH is failed? After running it gives an error code. Which CPU-ish error code.
  • @HughEverett #1095 05:47 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    The next step is putting removing all the currently breakpoint that we insert into the HyperDbg and put a breakpoint right after running the VMLAUNCH intrinsic function to read the CPU error code
  • @HughEverett #1096 05:47 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I hope we won't conclude error code 7. 😄
    Because it's the worst CPU error code.
  • @ricnar #1097 05:48 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    where do you want the int 3
  • @ricnar #1098 05:48 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    VCpu->HasLaunched = TRUE;

  • @ricnar #1099 05:48 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    after that?
  • @HughEverett #1100 05:49 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1101 05:49 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    VCpu->HasLaunched = TRUE;


    // ******** if Vmlaunch succeed will never be here ! ********

    // If failed, then indicate that current core is not currently virtualized
    VCpu->HasLaunched = FALSE;

    // Read error code firstly
    __vmx_vmread(VMCS_VM_INSTRUCTION_ERROR, &ErrorCode);

    LogError("Err, unable to execute VMLAUNCH, status : 0x%llx", ErrorCode);
  • @HughEverett #1103 05:49 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    We need to read the result of this:
    LogError("Err, unable to execute VMLAUNCH, status : 0x%llx", ErrorCode);
  • @HughEverett #1104 05:51 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Use DbgPrint instead of LogError. And before running hyperdbg, run the following command in windbg:

    eb nt!Kd_DEFAULT_Mask ff ff ff ff
  • @ricnar #1107 05:56 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Setting device major functionsHyperDbg's device and major functions are loadedErr, unable to execute VMLAUNCH, status : 0x7Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
    fffff803`2e2a8d09 cc int 3
  • 🤦‍♂
  • @ricnar #1109 05:57 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #1110 05:59 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I hate this error. It generally means one or more field of hypervisor is configured incorrectly. But it won't say, what component is configured incorrectly. Which kinda weird. Because some hypervisor layout that work on older systems and newer systems shouldn't behave differently.
  • @HughEverett #1111 05:59 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I didn't expect that to happen after it works in one computer. 😕
  • @ricnar #1112 06:00 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    this can happen for the reason i disabled hypervysr in the host machine?
  • @ricnar #1113 06:00 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    maybe is necessary
  • Disabled hypervisor in host machine? How it's even possible? 🤨
  • @HughEverett #1115 06:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Do you mean you disabled hyper-v?
  • @ricnar #1116 06:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #1117 06:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    In the host machine?
  • @ricnar #1118 06:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #1119 06:01 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    No, it shouldn't be because of that.
  • @ricnar #1121 06:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    the configuration of the host machine does not affect
  • @ricnar #1122 06:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i disabled Disable VBS / HVCI
  • @ricnar #1123 06:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1124 06:04 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    in the host
  • @HughEverett #1125 06:06 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    No, it's an Intel-ish issue with the layout of hypervisor.

    Hypervisor From Scratch – Part 5: Setting up VMCS & Running Guest Code

    We write about Windows Internals, Hypervisors, Linux, and Networks.

  • @ricnar #1126 06:07 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #1127 06:10 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    These problems are really hard to find/solve. Because generally once a hypervisor works on an older/newer machine, it should also work on mid-range generations of Intel processors too. Which is kinda weird.
  • @ricnar #1128 06:10 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    well thanks for your efforts
  • I'll try to read the Intel manual again, to see if anything comes to my mind and will reach you again if I find anything. Meanwhile, you can try testing it on other machines.
  • @ricnar #1130 06:11 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    no problem at all thanks
  • @ricnar #1131 06:11 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1132 06:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1133 06:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i will test in my machine work tomorrow
  • @ricnar #1134 06:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1135 06:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    see you
  • Okay, let me know how it goes and sorry for that 🙏
  • @ricnar #1137 06:12 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    i tell you if it work
  • @ricnar #1138 06:13 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    see you
  • @1218261953 ↶ Reply to #1138 #1139 06:49 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Hi just out of curiosity, are you the Ricardo Narvaja from crack-latinos?
  • @ricnar #1140 06:50 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @1218261953 #1141 06:50 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I really want to thank you for your reversing tutorials. though i wish there had been more proper English translations.
  • @ricnar #1142 06:50 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Yes I does not speak English very fluently
  • @ricnar #1143 06:51 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I am learning
  • @1218261953 #1144 06:51 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    I am currently trying to complete your IDa tutorials through some translation. Please accept my sincere thanks for all your effort.
  • @ricnar #1145 06:52 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    We have videos too
  • @ricnar #1146 06:52 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1147 06:52 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    But is more difficult to translate a video from Spanish
  • @ricnar #1148 06:53 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Sorry about that
  • @1218261953 ↶ Reply to #1147 #1149 06:53 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    Yeah i saw that but difficult to translate.
  • @ricnar #1150 06:53 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • @1218261953 #1151 06:54 PM, 20 Jun 2023
    But your ida and olly tutorials are masterpiece. Really love it.
  • @ricnar #1152 06:54 PM, 20 Jun 2023
  • 21 June 2023 (47 messages)
  • @ricnar The persian community is much less familiar with you and your tutorials / activities . I'm glad to see you here Ricardo.

    Enjoy HyperDbg.
  • As I didn't test the current version of HyperDbg (v0.3), on a Win 10 machine and everything was tested only on Win 11, I thought maybe I made some wrong configurations that leads to this error. I couldn't find a Win 10 19h1 iso (like in your case @ricnar) but HyperDbg was pretty okay on a VMware Win 10 22h2 on my 12 Gen i5-12400 machine.
  • @ricnar ↶ Reply to #1153 #1156 07:55 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    Thanks glad to see you too
  • @ricnar ↶ Reply to #1155 #1157 07:56 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    thanks for investigating
  • @ricnar #1158 08:11 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool
    Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool

    This new tool allows an easy and comfortable way to download genuine Microsoft Windows 7, 8.1 and 10, as well as Office 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 disk images (ISO) directly from Microsoft's servers.

  • @ricnar #1159 08:11 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    Maybe this tooñ can work I don't know
  • @ricnar #1160 08:12 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    It says that you can download the isos of any version of Windows
  • @ricnar #1161 08:13 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    I don't know if it works
  • @ricnar #1162 08:41 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    but i will change my target to 21h1
  • Doesn't seem to work for me.
  • That's great, let me know what's the result when your tests finished.
  • @ricnar #1165 08:44 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    and this tool
  • @ricnar #1166 08:44 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

    Rufus: Create bootable USB drives the easy way

  • @ricnar #1168 08:45 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    only for improve hyperdbg
  • @InG0dW3Tru5t #1169 08:46 AM, 21 Jun 2023
  • I test it before, it only contains the newest 22h2.
  • It doesn't work either
  • @ricnar #1177 09:15 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    try the links above
  • @ricnar #1181 09:16 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    i am looking the page right now
  • @ricnar #1184 09:17 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    maybe your isp blocks
  • This one is okay.
  • @HughEverett #1186 09:17 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    I try to download it now.
  • @ricnar #1187 09:18 AM, 21 Jun 2023
  • @ali99e ↶ Reply to #1175 #1188 09:19 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    You should go back to your roots, Try soft98 :D
  • @lokieasyt #1189 10:22 AM, 21 Jun 2023
  • @HughEverett #1190 11:00 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    Hi everyone,

    Considering that this is a public group, we have taken the initiative to create an online version of the group at tg-archive.hyperdbg.org. This will ensure that the valuable contributions made by the community are preserved and easily accessible online.

    If any of you have privacy concerns regarding this online archive, please kindly inform me so that we can address them appropriately.

    Thank you
  • None
  • @ricnar I tested HyperDbg on Win 10 1909 at it works perfectly.
  • @ricnar #1193 11:18 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    not here
  • @HughEverett #1194 11:18 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    Seems that the issue might be related to 9 gen processors, but it's kinda weird why you encountered error.
  • @ricnar #1195 11:18 AM, 21 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1196 11:19 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    i can't try in any target, it will fail
  • Did you test it in any other systems?
  • @ricnar #1198 11:22 AM, 21 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1199 11:22 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    but if the problem is the processor will fail
  • @ricnar #1200 11:22 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    i will try on the weekend
  • @ricnar #1201 11:23 AM, 21 Jun 2023
    i will have more free time
  • @archercreat #1202 01:21 PM, 21 Jun 2023
  • 22 June 2023 (1 messages)
  • @Hagane_no_rekinjutsushi #1203 06:48 PM, 22 Jun 2023
  • 24 June 2023 (55 messages)
  • @prekvapko #1204 08:27 AM, 24 Jun 2023
  • @prekvapko #1205 08:29 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    @HughEverett Hey, would you mind if I shared a the signed kernel driver here?
  • @prekvapko #1206 08:29 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Signed it with my EV cert and perhaps could be of use to some people
  • I'm pretty okay with sharing anything but I think it would be problematic for you. Because, as long as I know Microsoft is not interested in modifying its kernel memory by a thrid party driver and as a debugger, HyperDbg has the ability to do this. So, they will blacklist your signature and probably next time, they won't let you sign anything again.
  • @prekvapko #1208 08:38 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    ah, that's a fair point
  • I know some people who signed HyperDbg but they use their signed version of HyperDbg privately.
  • @prekvapko #1210 08:42 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Also, while looking through hyperdbg's documentation, I've stumbled upon one area that kind of interests me, although executed in a different manner. https://docs.hyperdbg.org/using-hyperdbg/kernel-mode-debugging/examples/events/monitoring-accesses-to-structures

    I'm analyzing a kernel-mode driver that does a lot of changes within the operating system, and I'd like to try and see what kind of memory accesses and writes to, be it in ntoskrnl or other system drivers. What would be the best way to go about this? I've considered placed an EPT-Hook on some specific functions, but it's virtualized to a certain degree. They abuse a couple stuff for hijacking exception handling of the system, etc, and wanted to see if there's perhaps more things they touch that I'm not aware of
    Monitoring Accesses To Structures

    Finding the writers and reader of memory

  • @prekvapko #1211 08:43 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    The only viable idea that came to mind would be hooking the entire driver, and checking registers for a specific list of address ranges..
  • @prekvapko #1212 08:43 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    considering disabling r/w protections on system drivers would not be such a good idea..
  • This is exactly the topic of a new feature we're working on right now. We want to add a lot of memory-controlling events to the HyperDbg. But, it's not in a working state yet and probably takes several months to finish. But, one idea is to memory allocation of the target driver maybe that would be helpful.
  • @prekvapko #1214 09:06 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    When running in VMI mode, do you think the consequences of disabling r/w protection on a large .data section chunk of a driver would be a huge hinder on performance?
  • @prekvapko #1215 09:07 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    I understand the overhead is already huge..
  • You can disable it directly by modifying the source code using this function:

    But, keep in mind that you need to handle #EPT Violations by your own as HyperDbg doesn't expect these EPT Violations.
    HyperDbg/hyperdbg/hprdbghv/code/vmm/ept/Ept.c at a571781e8651998b982a9f53edf8f3d3501a6b2e · HyperDbg/HyperDbg

    State-of-the-art native debugging tool. Contribute to HyperDbg/HyperDbg development by creating an account on GitHub.

  • I don't think so,
    I did the exact same thing in this branch by using MBEC for user-mode codes, but as I said, it's not in a working state yet but the code might be helpful:
    GitHub - HyperDbg/HyperDbg at memory-introspection

    State-of-the-art native debugging tool. Contribute to HyperDbg/HyperDbg development by creating an account on GitHub.

  • @prekvapko #1218 09:10 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Thanks! I'll take a look once I get a bit more comfy with the tool :)
  • @prekvapko #1219 09:11 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Hopefully HyperDbg won't start crashing my system randomly like Hyper-V (literally a bsod in every 3 minutes, not using VMs, just having the feature enabled)
  • If you want to develop anything in HyperDbg, it's better to test HyperDbg in a VMware Workstation machine with nested-virtualization.
  • @HughEverett #1221 09:13 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    After that, you can use it in your physical machine.
  • @prekvapko #1222 09:14 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    At the moment just trying to observe its capabilities, I followed some of the development throughout the years but never actually got to using it (since I only recently switched to latest Intel from AMD)
  • @prekvapko #1223 09:14 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Also mainly for research purposes, been lurking around some virtualization related resources in the past weeks, to see how everything actually works
  • @prekvapko #1224 09:15 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    The articles on rayanfam were really great :)
  • @prekvapko #1225 09:15 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Saw the last one on hyperdbg and thought i'd take a look
  • @prekvapko #1226 09:25 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Interesting, Windows doesn't want to load it even though I just signed it..
  • Are you sure that you signed it correctly? I mean as long as I know the process of signing drivers for Windows 11 and probably Windows 10 22H2 is changed. After signing it, you have to upload it to the Microsoft portal, so they'll sign it and give a signed version of it for download. Did you upload it there?
  • @prekvapko #1229 10:49 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Yep, otherwise it'd show my certificate instead of microsoft's.
  • @prekvapko #1230 10:49 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    It's odd, my other driver works fine.
  • @prekvapko #1231 10:50 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    I'll try resubmitting it I guess.
  • @HughEverett #1232 10:50 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    You have to submit three drivers. One for Serial Kd, one for hyperdbg HV, and one for HyperDbg Kd.
  • + One for Hyperlog and hprdbgrev.
  • @HughEverett #1236 10:53 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    All of them are DLLs and drivers imported by hyperdbg.
  • @prekvapko #1237 10:54 AM, 24 Jun 2023
  • @prekvapko #1238 10:54 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    I only submitted the kd driver
  • @prekvapko #1239 10:54 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    That's probably why, thanks.
  • @HughEverett #1240 10:54 AM, 24 Jun 2023
  • @prekvapko #1241 11:47 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    Signed all of them and still the issue persists.. weird
  • @prekvapko #1242 11:47 AM, 24 Jun 2023
    oh.. forgot to sign the last one
  • @prekvapko #1243 11:47 AM, 24 Jun 2023
  • @prekvapko ↶ Reply to #1207 #1244 12:02 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    However I'm still pretty conflicted about this, sure, it's a hyper-visor assisted debugging tool, but that's not inherently bad. WinDbg runs in kernel-mode, but I assume it's because they expect the user to have test-signing and disabled PG as to not be potentially abused by malware...?
  • Probably, yes. BTW, this is the main reason of a conflict on Twitter.
    They even blacklist the Driver signature for ProcessHacker which doesn't have an arbitrary READ/WRITE. Now, you expect they let HyperDbg which has several arbitrary READ/WRITE to be signed? 😅😁

  • @prekvapko #1246 12:13 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    True enough..
  • @prekvapko #1247 12:14 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    Not like they sign drivers that expose arbitrary r/w and sometimes even kernel execute functionality (from um request) daily..
  • @prekvapko #1248 12:34 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    signed every image, now it works fine :)
  • @prekvapko #1249 12:34 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    thanks for the help, Sina
  • 🤝
  • @prekvapko #1251 05:24 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    Are there any scripting functions for retrieving a module base from lm?
  • @prekvapko #1252 05:24 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    i.e. I want to retrieve a driver's base address in a script
  • @prekvapko #1253 05:26 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    Also, can we combine code & script actions?
  • @prekvapko #1254 06:11 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    What is the reason VMI mode is incompatible with !vmcall (etc) on script/custom code modes?
  • @prekvapko #1255 07:04 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    Under debugger mode, is there support for Transparency towards kernel-mode drivers?
  • @ricnar ↶ Reply to #1197 #1256 09:20 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    I'm copying a w11 machine to this pc
  • @prekvapko #1257 09:25 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    Are there any alternatives at all for Debugger mode to use anything but COM? My motherboard literally doesn't have any serial ports.. (for remote debugging)
  • @prekvapko #1258 09:26 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    apparently COM via pcie won't work
  • @prekvapko #1259 09:35 PM, 24 Jun 2023
    nevermind, ordered a motherboard with one.. (and a laptop to use as the debugger)
  • 25 June 2023 (57 messages)
  • @ricnar ↶ Reply to #1197 #1261 12:24 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    i tried in w11 as target and it woks
  • @prekvapko ↶ Reply to #1259 #1264 02:44 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    for anyone not working with legacy hardware and interested in remote debugging:
  • No, 'lm' is a command, not the script function. But, if there is some Windows functions (that are HIGH_IRQL compatible), can be used as a new script function.
  • Yes. It can be combined. You can also create several events with same conditions.
  • No, it's compatible. Where did you see that? 🤨
  • Unfortunately, no.
  • Can't you use a VMware nested virtualization?
    It's been a long time that I didn't test the physical COM capability of the HyperDbg, there might be some problems but sure, should be easily solvable once you have the facility to debug it.
  • Wow, that's great. 👍
  • @ricnar #1271 09:08 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    It doesn't have breakpoint on read or write?
  • @ricnar #1272 09:09 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    How can be used to determine the exact place when a memory address is filled or used?
  • @ricnar #1273 09:10 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    Which is the alternative?
  • Yes, the breakpoint on READ/WRITE is done by using the '!monitor' command.

    The documentation:

    !monitor (monitor read/write/execute to a range of memory)

    Description of the '!monitor' command in HyperDbg.

  • The exact address is available at $context pseudo-register in script and in debugger:

    !monitor (monitor read/write/execute to a range of memory)

    Description of the '!monitor' command in HyperDbg.

  • @ricnar #1276 09:21 AM, 25 Jun 2023
  • @ricnar #1277 09:21 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    I will try
  • @ricnar #1278 09:23 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    Do you evaluate to write an ida pro plugin like windbg has ?
  • The difference here with WinDbg is that break on READ/WRITE is implemented in EPT level; thus, we won't use Hardware Debug Registers for this purpose and as the result, there is no limitation on quantity or size. You can set as many monitors as you want with unlimited size.
  • @ricnar #1280 09:23 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    Can be great
  • Not yet. We didn't write it, but that should be hard as we released HyperDbg SDK.
  • @ricnar #1282 09:24 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    To combine the static análisis in ida with this tool
  • @ricnar #1283 09:25 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    Can be awesome
  • @HughEverett #1284 09:26 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    Agree. That should be added to the to-do list.
  • @ricnar #1285 09:27 AM, 25 Jun 2023
    Another question the monitor option can monitor big sizes of memory like a complete section or two sections?
  • Yes, of course.